Happy Birthday Nico

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Wills POV

    It's Nico's bday and I'm so happy! I mean my baby is growing up! Well technically he is grown up and is like a 100 but that's not the point! Anyway I decided to throw him a surprise party and so right now I'm looking for a cake. I brung along Jason because he's friends with Nico and I could use the help. "Oooooh lets get this one!" Jason yelled excitedly pointing to a all black cake. I read the information about the cake and saw it was vanilla. Nicos favourite! I kept on reading and it said that inside the cake was rainbow. I pointed it out to Jason and all he said was "I know". "Fine,we'll get the cake but I'll be sure to tell Nico you picked it out" I said after a moment. He nodded and we went up to the cash register. "What do you want the cake to say?" A lady with blonde hair and hazel eyes asked. "Ummm...how bout happy birthday ,I love you and blame Jason". The lady gave me a strange look but nodded a OK. We waited a few minutes and then she said she was done. We got the cake and drove back to camp.

Nicos POV

   "Surprise!" All my friends yelled when I walked out to the beach. "Wow...thank you!" I said surprised and happy. My boyfriend Will walked up to me and gave me a kiss. "Here" he said giving me a goofy grin and handing me a small box. Inside was a silver ring with the words 'you are my sunshine'. "Thank you Will" I said getting a little teary. "I love you" he said hugging me. "I love you too" I said hugging him back. "Ready for cake?" He asked giving another goofy grin. I nodded and smiled. We walked over to the table and I looked at my cake. It was all black,Yay! They all sung happy birthday and I read the words on the cake. I looked up confused and Will just shrugged. I cut open the cake and inside it was all rainbow. "Jason,Will!" I yelled looking at them. Will pointed at Jason,and Jason put his hands up in surrender. "It's like your soul tho!" he said defensively. Everybody burst out laughing,me included. It was a good birthday. But I'm so gonna get Jason back. I'm thinking I'll fill his underwear draw with staplers. Mwahahaha.

Hey guys!! I hope you liked my story and thank you so much for reading. I accept request and feedback just please no hate comments. Also I don't own any of these characters they all belong to Uncle Rick Riordan. Comment down below if  you like pizza and what your favorite food is! Love ya'll!! P.s. sorry it's short others will be longer but I had to go to sleep. And please check out my other book it's called silence💕📖

~Liz 💕

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