Jealous Will

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Nicos POV

I was walking with Will when I saw a guy with blonde hair and a amazing tan walk into camp. He looked around and then stopped when he saw me. I ran up to him and hugged him. "Jake!" I yelled excitedly. "Nico!" He said hugging me back. "I didn't know you were a demigod?" He said confused but happy. I nodded and asked who is godly parent was. "Ummm...Athena" he said after a moment. "I always knew you were smart". He laughed, "who's your godly parent?" He questioned. "Hades". "Figured" He replied. We hugged one more time and then I walked back over to Will giddy with happiness.

Wills POV

"Who was that?" I asked trying to keep my voice even but instead I was a little annoyed. "My friend Jake Smith" He said while smiling. "How did you meet him?" I questioned try to learn more about this Jake Smith. "School" Nico replied looking at me confused. I nodded and then grabbed his hand intertwining our fingers possessively. He looked at me strangely but shrugged. We walked to the Pavilion and sat at the Hades table. I know that's against the rules but Chiron doesn't mind. Plus..doctors orders. (Imagine Will wiggling his eyebrows right now😂) I looked over at my boyfriend and saw he was grinning at someone. Jake. I felt a weird emotion rise in my chest.

After dinner I gave Nico a quick kiss and ran to my cabin. What was this emotion I was feeling? Since I had an hour before I had to go to bed I decided to go to Piper McLean for help. "Piper it's me Will,are you there?" I asked nocking on the door. Piper opened to door. "Hi Will,what's up?" She said smiling. "Nico is friends with this guy,Jake,and hugs him and smiles at him and I have this really weird feeling in my chest" I blurted out embarrassed. "Will...your jealous" she said after a moment. "What?" I asked think I misheard her. She nodded and I said goodbye and walked away. 'She's right,I am jealous'.

"Hey Will!" Nico yelled running up to me. "Is Jake gay?" I asked bluntly. " why?" He asked confused. "Phew...I was jealous for no reason then" I said relieved. "Y-you we're jealous?" He said then started bursting out laughing. "It's no funny" I said defensively. "Kinda is" Nico laughing some more. I pouted. "Your so cute" Nico said giving me a kiss. I rolled my eyes but kissed him. Next time Nicos jealous I'll be sure to laugh at him.

Good,bad? You tell me. Thank you again so much for reading. You are absolutely amazing! Have a wonderful day and pls check out my book.l,Silence. I love you all and feel free to leave request and questions.

~Liz 💕

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