Chapter 14

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The next morning I woke up, trying to process what happened last night. Did I really kiss Harry? Did I actually have feelings for my boss? Well there's only one way to find out, but not right now because I need to get ready for classes today because boo when I tell you that I've been missing a lot lately since I've been working for Harry, I mean I would be surprised if I got my degree on graduation day. But then I realize that I am not in high school. I can do certain things that I wouldn't, considering that I'm not a little girl anymore and also not under the constant supervision of my mom. Speaking of mom, I need to call her. As I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face, I dialed my mom's number and called her. She answered on the second ring. "Hey babe, what you been up to?" She asked me. "Um, nothing much. Just working." She gasped in surprise. Ah shit, I forgot to tell her. "You got a job?! Why didn't you tell me, congratulations!" She squealed into the phone. "Thanks. I'm sorry that I forgot to tell you, I was just so busy with it that I've been kinda excluded from everything." I admitted.
"I know how it is, bubba. So what do you do?" She asked with a perky voice.
"Um I'm a nanny, for a 16 year old boy named Lucas. And he's pretty fun to watch. I mean, I don't really watch him but I just hang out with him, make sure he's okay. And it's prettty good money." I said, proud of what I'm doing.
"Oh that's good honey. Well I'll let you go ahead and get ready because I can hear you running the faucet water so buhbye and love you darling." She said
"Bye mommy. I love you."
I hung up the phone and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I wasn't gonna put too much makeup on today so all I did was moisturize it and put primer and foundation and bronzer on. Then I darken my eyelashes with mascara.
I threw on a baggy oversized long sleeved MSU sweatshirt and some black skinny jeans with rips at the knees. I tied on my black adidas superstars with white stripes on them and threw on my backpack and was on my way down to the kitchen.
When I appeared in the kitchen, there was a shirtless Harry with black sweatpants on. He turned around from the stove and smirked at me, putting turkey bacon and toast on a plate.
"Morning, Em. How'd you sleep?"he asked me. I smiled at him as he handed me the plate of food.
"Thanks. And it was good. Ever since I started sleeping in that bed my back had been way better." I said.
"Well that's good. How long are you going to be in school today?" He asked as he picked up a piece of bacon and literally fed it to me. I had a stupid smirk on my face and chewed it fully until answering him. "Um, probably until 4:30. Why?"
Harry walked around the side of the island where I was sitting at and stood behind me, nuzzling his face into my neck. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and kissed me lightly on my neck, making sure not to give me a hickey or two. He then whispered in my ear, "Because, I get off work early today and was thinking that I could take you somewhere this evening for dinner. And I'll also have a surprise for you when you get home today from school, okay love?
I turn around in my chair and faced him, our faces inches apart from each other. I breathed in his cologne that was manly, but smelled sweet at the same time. He stared into my eyes, wondering why I was staring at his soft pink lips and then I looked into his eyes before crashing my lips into his. I began tugging his hair and ruffling it, earning a deep moan and him picking me up and sitting me on the island. He stood between my legs and kept kissing me and had his hands on my hips, rubbing up and down on the side of my legs. Then I thought of something.
"Where's Luke at?" He chuckled lightly before answering me. "He's sixteen, babe. The mate's at school. He's been at school for 2 hours now." I blushed because that was kind of a dumb question. "Oh. Who's going to be here with him while we're out?" I ask. He bites his bottom lip, loving how I'm so concerned about Luke and what he'll be doing. "Don't worry, Amanda is actually going to be home tonight with him. Tonight it's just you and me." He pecked me on the lips before helping me down and putting my backpack back on my shoulders and handing me a brown bag.
"Here's your lunch and have a good day at school. I'll see you later, darling."
I smiled at his sweet gesture and grabbed the bag from him and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you and I'll try."
Just as I was about to walk out of the door, he said "No need to thank me, baby." And he slapped me on my ass. For some reason I kinda liked it. No, I loved it.

A/N:::For some reason this was an easy chapter for me to write, but I hope you enjoyed. I'll be uploading another one tomorrow since I don't have nothing to do. 💜💜💜


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