Chapter 12

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"Tuhhhh!" I snapped. It was quite noticeable, I mean , it wasn't like I was not going to call him out for it. He begins to turn red and I continue to chuckle at him, he's just so adorable.

"I uhhh, I didn't-" he starts to stutter, but I stop him.

"It's okay Harry. It's not like you're the first dude I've seen with a boner." I say with a huge smile on my face.

"Bloody hell!" He yells, clearly still embarrassed, but he relaxes a bit after I assure him that it's okay. He sits on one of the couches in the lounge room and Luke comes down the stairs, clearly waken up from his nap by the smell of chicken and the voice of his dad yelling.

"Wow, Emery you know how to cook." He says in a sarcastic tone.

"Hahaha. And you actually know how to clean up your room." I shoot my sarcasm back. He shoots me a quick 'whatever' and sits in one of the barstools behind the kitchen island.

      "Dinner's ready Harry!" I shout out from the kitchen and in comes Harry. He sits beside Luke and I set out three plates and silverware for us to eat with. I begin to put the chicken and vegetables on the plates for all of us before I feel a presence behind me. "Here, lemme help you out."He tells me.

He takes a plate from me and begins filling it and then sets it in front of Luke. He fixes himself his plate and his hand suddenly brushes against mine, sending a shivering sensation through me. I look over to him, while he stares at me with a seductive smirk plastered on his face. He starts to chuckle lightly because I guess I'm blushing due to the hotness I feel creeping from my neck and into my cheeks.

We all sit down and dig in and eat in silence for a few minutes until Harry breaks the silence and starts conversation. "What do you plan on doing after college?" He asks me.

I finished chewing the food in my mouth and swallowed and then looked into his green paradise of eyes. "Um, I really don't know. Probably going to go work for my mom's law firm or something. I might even go to travel the world for all I know." I reply.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, making crease lines in his forehead. "Why don't you travel now?" He asked.
"Well first of all, I'm college-broke. And second of all, I have to go to 'work'." I tell him, emphasizing the word work since it doesn't feel like a job. I just get paid to hang out with a bestie. I could see him thinking a bit before he finally said, "Oh."

We all finished eating and I picked the plates up and rinsed then off so that they could be put into the dishwasher. After that I went upstairs to take a shower and wash my hair. When I was done, I put some lotion on and since I wasn't planning on going out of the room for the rest of the night, just slid on some black panties and a black bra with a baggy long sleeve white adidas shirt.
I slipped into bed and turned my alarm on for 9:00 so that I could go to my classes. Just as I was walking up to the light switch and about to turn the light off, I heard footsteps come around to my door and soon after there was knocking on it. I opened the door to see Harry in a pair of sweatpants and a black nike shirt.
"I just wanted to say goodnight and thanks for dinner." He started fiddling with his hands and for a moment he looked like a shy little boy instead of a man.
"No problem, I'll be doing it more often. And goodnight." He nodded his head and walked off and into his room, closing the door. I soon closed mine and got under the duvet and started to drift off to sleep.
Those damn gray sweatpants.
3:00 A.M
    I read the time on my phone screen and it was 3 in the morning. My throat felt dry and I needed something to drink, so I padded to my door and opened it slowly, trying not to make any sound. Then I realized that this is like a freakin mansion with sound proof hinges and fact shit like that, so I threw the door open and started walking down the stairs. I was finally on the kitchen and standing in front of the open refrigerator, lifting my shirt up and scratching my belly just like my dad used to do.
I got a glass from the cupboard and filled it up with lemonade. I needed that. Then when I jumped onto the cold marble counter sitting there in my black panties, I heard footsteps coming towards me. Harry.

Just a filler you guys! Y'all keep reading and vote my story please. I'll probably upload Harry's POV tomorrow or Friday, it depends. Until then, bye loves💜💜💜

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