Chapter 5

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As I am getting into my car and driving out to the estate, my phone rings and I pick it up. "Hello?" Then the familiar voice rings through the line. "Hi, it's Gemma. Um, can you come a little early? Harry has a meeting at 3:00 so please be here ASAP, Okay?" Gemma tells me. Good thing I was already on my way there.

"I was already driving out to your house. I'll be there in about 5 minutes Mrs. Styles." I tell her.

You could hear laughter along the line. "You thought I was his wife? I'm his assistant sweetie. Just call me Gemma."

"Oh snap, I'm so sorry I didn't..." I start off.

"No it's okay! People always think that. He's my brother/boss." She tells me.

Gemma does seem like a chill person though, not an assistant. "Oh cool. So I'll see you in a few."  I chime through the phone.

"Okay girlllllll, bye!" She says and then I hang up.

   As I pull into the driveway, I see the nice house come into view. It's massive! I mean the landscape is nice and everything. The house is a friggin mansion. The exterior is red bricks and there are columns that are outlining the front door. The window panels are a dark brown, but look close to black. The steps have flowers lining them to have an inviting vibe.

As I park my car, the front door of the house opens and the woman that steps out appears to be Gemma.

"Oh my gosh she's beautiful!" I say to myself. Gemma is wearing whitewashed skinny jeans with the ankles cuffed. Her shirt is a flowing peach blouse that stops above her thighs. She has the perfect shape, not too skinny, not overweight. She's slim thick to be honest. The skinny jeans hug her curves and with each step is her knee-high designer heels, her long, silky black hair that is pressed to perfection bounces along her narrow shoulders.

She walks with confidence over to my car and opens the door further for me and pulls me out of the car. Well isn't she just excited. She pulls me in for a hug and looks into my eyes as if we haven't seen each other for years.

"Oh my gosh you're beautiful! We're gonna be best friends. Like I said on the phone, I'm Gemma and I am so glad you're here. Maybe we won't just be colleagues for my brother, but we'll be like best friends!" She squealed at the end.

She's such a nice person. "Me beautiful? Look at you! You're practically flawless!" Her face reddened at how I describe her as a goddess of some sort.

"I try to be. Well let's get inside before he yells at us!" We hurry up inside of the house and through the grand dark oak door. When I walk inside, the first thing I saw was the staircase that twirled into a loose spiral with white wood railing. The floors were dark wood and with every step I took, there was a deep thump against the wood since I wore these brown boot-heels.

To my left was a dining room that had a homey feel with rustic orange accents and a white marble topped table with gray chairs surrounding it and the light fixture was in a spherical shape but with spikes poking out and there was a cupboard filled with fine china. I could tell it was used by there elders for tea a lot because I could distinguish Amanda's accent for a British one.

She caught me staring around and told me to follow her into the living room. It was just as perfect, with a white sectional couch having a plush gray blanket draped along the top of it. The sectional was assisted by two gray love seats and and a rug with streaks of different colored grays with a gray coffee table. The windows were draped with white curtains and the chandelier screamed elegance as it gleamed with a softened glow of light and instead of crystal drapery it had glass circles.

Quite amazing if you ask me. Then there were rock posters and album covers of the Beatles in frames on the wall. I fell in love with the room and how it was elegant but had character in it, but who did the character belong to?

Just as I was wondering how the man would act and look like and if his personality was as the room's, the sound of heavy footstep came down he stairs along with a pair of voices that were, one deep and hollowed with a British accent and the other that had no accent and was deep but had youth in it.

    "Dad I told you I didn't need a nanny. I mean like I'm 16. 16 year olds don't have old women just watching them pass time...". All of a sudden it got very quiet and they both stopped at the bottom of the staircase.

At the same time, both of them said something. The boy said "Woah she's hot!" And Mr. Styles said "You've got to be kidding me."

I looked at them clueless of what to say until I snapped back into reality. This is the man that I saw in Starbucks. The man who appeared to have a problem with me for no reason. Now I gotta work for him? You've got to be kidding me, I repeated his words the way he did.

    "Hi I'm Lucas, but you can call me Luke." He smiles shyly but ended it with a smirk.

His father apparently didn't want to introduce himself so I took the matters into my own hands. "Hey, I'm Emery, but you can call me Em." I smiled politely and shook his hand.

Then I turned to face directly into Mr. Style's eyes and said, "Hello, Mr. Styles." Then a playful but evil smirk formed on my face.

He began to breathe rapidly and heavily until he finally gave up and started walking into the kitchen. When he came back, he was back to his calm state and he starting speaking.

"Look you've got the job. You start immediately right now because I can't leave him alone since he doesn't seem to have home training. Also, you get three strikes. On the third one you're fired, got it?" I nodded and he walked out without saying another word and slammed the door.

"Well I guess I'll get going. Don't want him to honk the horn at me." Gemma smiled and hurriedly walked to the door, opened it and closed it back.

  "Well, your dad seems to just love the heck out of me." I say sarcastically to Luke.

He kicks his feet around and the looks up to me. "Yeah, he's like that to everyone except for the people he's really close to like family. He'll get used to you though. Let me show you around." He turned around and started walking out of the living room toward the kitchen area.

I quickly followed behind him and he gave me a tour of the house. The house is so beautiful, so elegant but not too elegant as if the person who decorated had a stick up their ass.

     "Who decorated the house?" I asked while taking a seat on his bed. His room has a vibe of recklessness and rebel. His walls were a dark red, almost maroon, and had checkered floors. He had skateboards hanging on the wall around his flat screen tv. He had Thrasher magazines scattered across the ground, but instead of looking messy, they look crafty and artistic.

On each side of his king sized bed there were nightstands and the one on his left had three lava lamps with a picture of him and an older woman. She is beautiful and has mocha skin like my mother. Her hair curls like mine when I don't have it straightened, and her smile is whiter than white.

On the other night stand is a picture with the same woman from the last picture, except she was with Mr. Styles and Luke.

They looked happy and content with life. I'm guessing that this is his mother and so I don't ask him about her. I want to get to know him first at least before I get into his business. He seems like a sweet kid, cool too. So let's get to knowing him.

"Eh, my mom." He replies after looking out the window.

I decide to keep it just at that and ask him questions about himself.

Ok so I said in chapter 4 that you would find out why they lied about his age in this chapter but I forgot. I'll make sure to include it in the next one though. Btw I changed the boy's name to Lucas instead of Harold because Harold was just toooooooooooooo boring. Hope you like this chapter !!!💖💖💖

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