end (part 2)

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"You're staring at me again..." Hara said slowly as she couldn't take Jungkook's intense stare on her anymore. This time he was staring directly at her lips.

"I was just hoping you'd make a mess on your face." Jungkook murmured, making hara almost choke on her coffee.

"You were serious about that?" Hara gawked.

Jungkook bobbed his head up and down. "Yeah. I should've borrowed Jin hyung's car too. To do the seatbelt thing, like you said the guy puts the girl's seatbelt on."

He stopped and scratched his head. "God, I should've watched more kdramas!"

"You don't need to do any of them." Hara said aggressively. "I had a fever, I was almost drunk- so yeah! Forget them!"

She couldn't believe Jungkook took her seriously the other day. But this all seemed really, cute, somehow.

"Really?" Jungkook looked a little sad. "Jin hyung said girls like their dates all planned out. And I don't have any plans."

"You wouldn't need any plans. But wait, am I the first girl you're dating? I thought you've dated girls before." Hara said, she wasn't feeling as much awkward as before.

Jungkook's eyes became really wide. For some reasons this expression made him look like a bunny. Hara tried hard to control her laughter seeing him.

Slowly a redness started forming on Jungkook's cheeks as he looked away. "No, I haven't dated anyone before."

"But you said you were the international playboy!" Hara started laughing this time as she couldn't control it anymore.

She also couldn't help but tease Jungkook. It was really surprising how she was laughing with the person she had only met an hour ago. And it felt like she had known him for ages.

Jungkook didn't say anything and took his coffee. He started sipping from it nervously without realizing that the foam was making a mess over his upper lip.

Hara saw it all and as if she was possessed, her hand reached out to him. Before she realized it she had caressed Jungkook's upper lip with her thumb, rubbing the foam off.

When she came back to her senses she got stuck for a second, with her finger brushing over Jungkook's lip and he, was staring at her shocked too.

Hara jolted away and her face heat up immediately. "I'm so sorry!" She almost screamed being embarrassed.

"At least we could do the couple thing you wanted." Jungkook murmured still staring at her with surprised eyes. "Though it was the other way around at least we could do that."

He then looked ahead and took another sip of his coffee. Again the thick foam made a mess on his face, this time he looked funnier.

"How about now?" He said and looked at her. "You were way too fast last time I couldn't even-"

Hara bursted out in laughter before Jungkook could finish and Jungkook started laughing too. Some people must've been staring at them, awing over how cute the couple was but they didn't care. They were busy enjoying each others company.

Jungkook wiped off a fresh tear that was falling from his cheek for laughing too hard and looked at her. "What do we do next?"

Hara looked at her wristwatch biting her lower lip. Her heart wrenched as she started feeling really sad all of a sudden. "I have to go back home by eight."

"It's already six thirty." Jungkook opened his phone and checked the clock. "We should've met up earlier!" He couldn't help but scoff.

Hara nodded and they stayed quiet for a while. It would take more than half an hour for Hara to reach her home so she indeed didn't have much time to spend with Jungkook.

"Can we meet again, some other day?" Jungkook suddenly said. "I mean if it's okay for you-"

"Let's do that!" Hara shouted. "Let's meet up again!"

Jungkook smiled shyly and nodded. "Then let's take a walk outside now."

It was a little cold outside in the evening. Thanks god Hara had brought a coat, Jungkook was wearing his hoodie but they felt an unreal warmth inside them as they were walking really close. Even though they both were silent it was somehow enjoyable.

How the evening breeze was hitting their faces, the city lighting up and busy people walking past them. But Hara and Jungkook were lost in their own worlds. Both of them grinning hard by themselves without realizing.

"Do you want to hold my hand?" Jungkook said softly. Thankfully it was a little dark else Hara could've seen how much he was blushing.

Hara stopped walking and looked at his hand that was held out to her. She hesitated a little before she placed her small hand on his. Truth fully, she was afraid. She was afraid that it was all just a dream.

"Yay we did another couple thing you wanted to do!" Jungkook said nervously as he held onto her hand and kept walking.

Hara felt so shy she couldn't say anything. Jungkook's hand was really warm, she wished she could held onto him for her whole life.

"Should I call a taxi for you?" Jungkook mumbled as they were both just standing by the street holding each others hand. It was past seven and Hara had to say goodbye if she wanted to reach home at time.

"Call me after you reach home okay? And text me. O-or maybe I can take you home?" Jungkook said since Hara stayed quiet. She really didn't want to leave and Jungkook didn't want her to.

"You forgot one thing from the couple list." Hara said all of a sudden.

"What? Let me check, I think I have the list on my pocket."

Jungkook let go of her hand and crouched down a little to search from his pants pocket. Hara took the chance and lifted up her toes.

She quickly gave a soft peck on his cheek but moved away right after.

"You forgot about the surprise kisses on the cheeks."

Jungkook was so shocked he couldn't say anything. He just stood there watching her with his mouth slightly apart. Hara called for a taxi hurriedly before he snapped back from his daze.

"Bye! I'll call you!" She yelled before she hopped on the taxi.

And first thing she did when the car started moving away was slap her both cheeks and pull her own hair. What the hell have I done! She thought

She let out a squeal and squirmed in her seat. Never in her life she could imagine doing such a thing to a guy on their first meeting.

Just then her phone vibrated for an incoming message. She opened it with her heart in her hands, it was from Jungkook.

Jeon Jungkook:
Surprise kisses on the lips could've been better but thank you.

Jeon Jungkook:
Text me when you reach home missy. You've got a lot to explain for suddenly vanishing after doing that to me. I WILL SUE YOU

-your midnight advisor

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