vampire trouble

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When I got to school the next day I really wanted to talk to leem about moving in a place together and I hope he doesn't get mad at me, I really need him to take things with me more out there a little more. I went to my locker and got my stuff and went to class and when I got their a hand got me before I got to the class room door, I panicked and I really didn't know who it was and I pushed and kicked and almost screamed but I was blacked out before I could. But I heard one more thing before I blacked out, "I LOVE YOU".

I woke up in a really nice room, with some great gray and black theme ; it had a window on my right and also i think there was a bathroom door on my left. I didn't know what to expect of what was going, so i got up and saw a outfit on a chair with a note and it said, 'this is for you my love, put it on and come down stairs for lunch.... love your mystery man. I re- read the note over and over again and i couldn't understand what this guy wanted from me so much, so i put on the outfit

and went to the bathroom and took a shower(it already had girly things) and got in to the outfit of short shorts, a half cut off shirt that showed my belly button and some Jordan's. I kept my hair down and went out of the door and went down the stairs, it was really aw about how the house looked from upstairs to down stairs in a heart beat; when i was up stairs it was grey and black, down stairs is white and Blake. Do you see what i mean by the difference. When i got in the kitchen i saw a group of boys that looked like they just came out from a work out and they looked good; i went up to the counter because they was still turned away from me.

"Hi, can you tell me where i am?" and all i seen was all eyes on me and they looked at my up and down and none of them was talking, did you know what i thought; maybe i can go ahead and act

sexy and see what they do, i really hope leem don't mind me doing this. "I got here and i don't know where i am and i am lonely very much, so maybe you can do some thing for me.?" I was up on the counter and all of the guys were now talking their names.

vampire troubleWhere stories live. Discover now