First date

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Note: This is before they visited the toys and before Foxy asked Mangle out. I just don't like to go in order apparently.

Golden Freddy's POV.:

After we told everyone about the whole thing between us, two days after, I planned to go on a date with Trap. It was...tricky to come up with something nice, and knowing him, a restaurant or somewhere public isn't the best choice. He's still getting used to the outside world after a while. But I don't want him to just sit at home all the time.

And I found the perfect place.

It was similar to the place where I confessed to Trap, there was even a waterfall and everything, but the only difference was the fact that to get there you have to go through a crystal cave. Obviously, it's full of crystals. I think we got to that point. And I felt like it was perfect. I didn't plan to do a picnic or anything, I decided that talking was good enough. I know, I'm cheap, but I feel like Springtrap would get uncomfortable with so many things around. Plus, he really likes to talk.

It's better than watching a movie anyways.

Well, I guess we don't really need to talk to get to know eachother, since we already do, but just to talk in general. It's nice.

I don't really think I need to share the details on the asking part. He said yes, duh, and everyone else got excited.

Chica squeaked, Bonnie sighed, Freddy sniffed and Foxy smirked. The usual.

I planed to go in nighttime so the crystals would shine more. So, because of that we put on some clothes.

To be honest, I was a little excited and nervous at the same time to show him the place. Would he even like it? Did he expect more than just talking and laying on the grass watching the stars next to the waterfall?

Gold, calm down. You might be talking to yourself right now, but everything will be okay. After all, it's not the place that counts, it's the enjoyment. And I feel like he will enjoy this.

He got a little nervous too when we got in front of the cave, since you couldn't actually see the crystals from the outside, but I assured him that this is 100% safe.

So we walked inside and I could feel the shock going through him as he saw the crystals, clearly liking them. I couldn't really blame him. They did look really nice. He looked around in awe as we kept walking and finally we got to the place.

It looked like he noticed that this place looked like the other one closer, where we confessed to each other, like I mentioned before, wich was nice, knowing that he remembered that. There was the waterfall and many other plants and trees here after all.

One thing I always knew about Trap, is that he always loved astronomy. He loved the stars, the planets and everything there was in space. I found them interesting too, but clearly not as much as him. So I thought it would be a perfect idea to star-gaze.

Springtrap's POV.:

It was beautiful.

Every part of it.

I couldn't believe me eyes when I first saw what was hiding in the cave and then this.

It was much more prettier than the last place. I felt like this should be my home. Of course, that would be weird and really dangerous, but still. I couldn't not look at everything more than once. I had to memorize everything so I wouldn't forget it after a long time.

After we looked around Gold suddently stopped and waited for me to catch up to him, since I slowed down to examine everything. I assumed this meant that we were here.

We made eye contact as he sat down before finally laying down on the grass looking up at the sky for a moment before looking back at me standing there. I flushed, thinking that I was starring.

- Are ya gonna lay down or just leave me here?- he spoke and I chuckled and layed down on his side as well.

The sky was truly wonderful. I looked at the stars and started making shapes out of them, like you would do similarly with clouds.

I lifted one of my arms up to make it easier for me and the other looked at me confused.

- What're you doing?

- Looking for shapes in the stars. You know, if you look close enough you can see Centaurus there and Sagittarius on that side. It's really cool.

- I don't really have good eyes. And I can't really spot shapes from a bunch of stars.

- It's fine. I can show you- I said and I lifted my arm up again and pointed at one of the pile of stars and connected them together.

I pointed out how that's the face and those are the legs and such, and explained why people saw them as that, when they aren't really that detailed. Even the Cancer one. It was fun. But at the end I was just talking and talking and felt like I shouldn't.

- I think that's it- I finally finished so we could move on.

- Aww but I kinda got into it. You're cute when you explain things. Especially if you're that passionate.

I flushed at the sudden compliment.

- What-! Wh-! Well, maybe not passion, but I guess it entertains me.

- Heh.

- What?

- Nothin'.

- Okay can we move on to a different topic?

- Bored of stars already?- he smirked.

- Nah, I jut want to talk about stuff you like. It's only fair.

Golden Freddy's POV.:

I got surprised that he wanted to change the subject so quickly.

- Why do you wanna talk 'bout art? It's.... not that interesting.

- Well, I'm not really good at music, but drawing form of art does interest me. That's why I want you to teach me.

- What kind? With pencils? Painting? Graphic? There's a lot.

- Everything!!

I just laughed at the others statement and sighed.

- Maybe. But I'm not that good at art, you know.

- What are you talking about?! You're art is amazing! You are an artist!

- I guess. But that doesn't mean that I'm a professional. If you want to draw well ask a real professional to teach you, not me.

- But I don't just want you to teach me for the sake of drawing well! I want to do lessons with you so that we can spend more time together! Plus, I really like how you draw. It's the most beautiful sight I have seen. Even more beautiful than this place!

- That's a...weird compliment.

- But true! You look like a professional when you draw.

I just chuckled and it seemed like I was a little weirded out by all the praise.

- Not used to compliments, huh?- Trap questioned.

- Not really. I don't know how to feel about it yet.

- Well, you always compliment me so it only seems fitting that I do the same. Just know that it's true. I'm not just saying it to make it even, I really mean it. I love you for who you are and what you do. Don't forget that.

- I won't. Love you too.

Of course I believe him when he says that.

It's just...

I guess I feel like I don't deserve it.

Is that bad?

Springtrap x Golden FreddyWhere stories live. Discover now