Just tell her already!

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Boy do I ever feel like trying my hardest to make differences in this world and the other book's world that I'm writing. I mean, yeah, the writing here is completely different, with the POV. thing, and I try to make the characters different, but, like, Freddy is the same, Foxy is the same, heck even Golden Freddy, one of the most important characters in this story is the same as well. Though, if you wanna see the two best friends annoy eachother, while in a relationship, and part of a bigger family, go check out my other story called 'The FNAF family'.

Anyways....I'm gonna stop talking now and go straight to the story.

Golden Freddy's POV.:

You know, being with Trap made my life completely different. I mean, not in a negative way of course, the guy's great.

But I don't want to just focuse on my relationship, since somebody needs help and encouragement.

A lot of help and encouragement.

A certain fox does, and as a hero, who's here to save the day, I had to help.

(Springtrap came up with that quote)


Along with my brother and Trap.

But they're only sidekicks, that's all!

So if you don't know what I'm talking about, let me phrase it better:

Foxy likes Mangle.

And as usual, his normally cocky attitude changes and he becomes paranoid to ask her out.

(Yes, Mangle's a girl. It's end of 2017 people, this drama is over)

This is typical for him now.

But I'll stop dragging this topic, and let's just get to the point.

- But what if she doesn't like me?

- What do you mean she wouldn't like you?- Freddy said in an annoyed tone. - She laughs at your horrible jokes, she often spends the whole day with you, and she hugs you often.

- My jokes are funny- Foxy replied.

- Okay, yeah, sure, whatever. I just don't really hava a good taste for jokes. Especially puns- the bear stated.

- Hnnnnnnnnngggg, I can't do thisssssss- the fox put his head on the table to muffle his suffering.

- Foxy, Foxy- I patted him on the back. - Just chill dude. Where did your huge ego go?

- That's not funny- the other lifted his head up a little for this one statement, than back on the table.

- BUT it's true. Dude. Just walk up to her, try not to sweat, blush or stutter, stay confident, maybe even handsome, then ask her in your egotistical voice; "Will you go on a date with me?"- my brother laughed at my impression of the other, but Foxy just sighed.

- Well, fortunately, that's not how I remember you asking me out- Trap stated.

- No, because I am funny.

- Urghhhhhhhhhhhhhh- Foxy sighed heavily in embarassment and tried to focuse.

- Foxy! Just.... be you for Christ's sake! She will say yes no matter what! You don't even have to do it in public, just.... c'mon bud! You go this!- Freddy tried to encourage the fox.

- You know what, Freddy's right. Though I might have to disagree with Gold, just be you. You don't need to act funny, egotistical, confident or even handsome, just ask the question- Springtrap explained.

- *GASP* How dare!- I acted. The other just laughed and Foxy lifted his head up completely this time.

- Ya really think so?

- I wouldn't be lying now would I? Plus, in case you would have to act, Mangle would know the wrong side of you, not know you're real personality, and when you get caught, she would be offended and-

- Okay, okay, guys, fine! I'll do it.

Everyone's face in the room lit up in excitement.

- Tomorrow- the fox finished the sentence.

And then we stopped and looked disappointed again.

- What?! Okay! I'll do it today, jeez.

- Yaaaaaaay, you're growing up!- I said in an annoying tone and put my hand on his shoulder.

- Ugh, okay just...give me some time okay? I need to come up with a good speech! 'cause your impression was horrible and she would never say yes. AND, of course, I am the best there ever was, so please excuse me.

And the normal Foxy was back. It's like a different person went into his body or something. It's weird, but it happens often. And by often I mean every time.

So after a little bit of time of us talking to each other Foxy finally came out of the room he was in with Chica, who was the test for the speech, since she's the only other girl, and she approved it, so we all went with him, because we had nothing better to do.

It was snowing. It was still early for that, but hey. No one's complaining. Except the people who hate snow. Wich I don't.

Kids were playing, parents were complaining, so it was great. Refreshing. You would think people would find it weird, that six robots are walking around in the snow, especially with clothes on. Well, surpisingly, we got to know the neighbors, and they were completely chill and cool with it. Heh.

So no, we didn't attract unnecessary attention. Thankfully.

So I'll cut to the chase, we were kinda talking with the Toys and Withereds, when suddently one of the room's door swung open to reveal an overly excited Mangle and a sweating, but relieved Foxy.

So she said yes.

Knew it.

When we got back to the house we were ready to go to bed.

- Did you expect that?- Trap asked suddently.

- Expect what?

- That she would say yes.

- Who didn't?- I replied with a question.

- I mean... it was still pretty weird how they came out of the room. Especially Mangle.

- Well, you were excited too when I asked you out. But yeah, it was pretty sudden.

- Do you think they'll last?

- Their relationship? Yeah why not. They do go well together. Unless Foxy screws up somehow.

The other just chuckled quietly.

- Something's up?

- No, it just...brings back memories, that's all.

- Memories? You don't mean ours, right? That happened a couple weeks ago.

- No, no, not that. There was just someone in highschool who was in the same position as Foxy. He had that huge ego too.

- And did they last?- I asked out of curiosity.

- No, they didn't. Sadly. Though I don't know why. The guy only told me that 'things weren't working out'. You know, the typical line.

- Well, I hope they last, because we won't stop visiting the Toys anytime soon. ... Hopefully.

Trap just laughed and hugged me.

- Love you.

- Yep. I know. You too.

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