The Fire (Sad RichJake)

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~~~~Jake POV~~~~


There was silence, other than the roaring fire that was attacking my house. I didn't care. All I wanted was to find Rich.


I ran to the sound as fast as I can go. Rich, or someone, was dying. I wanted to help. Whoever it was, they kept on screaming my name it rang in my ears. Jake, Jake-


I opened the door to my room, finding two things; all my stuff was destroyed, and him. Oh, God. He was huddled underneath my desk and tears were flowing down his face. Then something happened that I regret to this day. I just stood there. Of course it was only for 2 seconds but he could've died. I'm such a stupid fuck.


I saw all the sadness in his eyes. I grabbed him, and ran faster than I had before. I ran all the way outside and jumped in my car, putting Him in the passenger seat. I rushed him to the hospital, checking his pulse every second. I figured he was good, so I stopped checking. We were almost there when e put his head on my shoulder and whispered-

"Jake. I needed y- Jake."

He repeated a few more times as I drove into Emergency drop off. If he weren't in the state he was in right now, I would've kissed Him until His lips were blue.  But I couldn't. I just couldn't. Even if I wanted to, he was a total ladies man and I didn't think he was into guys like my stupid pansexual self. He was too amazing; as the saying goes, 'We can never have what we want'.

~~time skip~~~~

He was in his hospital bed, sleeping calmly when I did it. Nowadays, I can't tell him or he'll kill me and cry for being so ignorant, but he really isn't. I'm the ignorant one. I still loved him, but I still did it. I got on the roof of the hospital- which wasn't very tall, but still- and I jumped. A few bushes broke my fall and there was a terrible, sharp pain in both of my legs. All I remember is waking up in a hospital bed, looking around, and finding Rich beside me.

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