Chapter Five

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Sleep didn't come easily that night. I was tormented by evil thoughts of what I'd say to Drumstick if I ever saw him again. It surprised me how angry I was at a man I'd only met a week ago.

What happened? Why didn't he call or text? Why am I so upset that he didn't call or text? The questions drove me crazy. When I finally drifted off into sleep around 1 am, my phone rang. In the dark, my eyes couldn't adjust well enough to see the screen but I still answered.

"Hey did I wake you" a soft male voice came over the phone. It sounded as if he was whispering.

"Who is this?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"It's Donovan" the voice said. My heart hadn't raced so fast in a long while. I felt like a did a 5k marathon in the second he said his name. I tried to regain my composure before speaking. Don't sound upset Lisa. Don't be upset.

"Lisa? You there?" he said.

"Yes, um I'm here. What's up?" I said as calmly as the brewing anger would allow me to. Why did I care so much?

"I am so sorry about tonight. I want to explain everything and make it up to you."

"Hmm I'm sure you do". I couldn't help the sarcasm.

"Can I see you tonight?" he pleaded.

"Missed that chance buddy" I told him. I was over it.

" Come on, we can still go somewhere. This city never sleeps"

"Right well I was sleeping. And would like to go back to sleeping so..." I retorted.

"No wait don't hang up. I am outside."

"Outside where?" I asked confused.

"Outside your house"

"No you're not."

"Yes I am, look through the window". I got up quickly and headed to the living room to peak out the window. I didn't turn on any lights so he couldn't see when I peeped. Sure enough, a vehicle was parked on the side of the road.

"What are you doing here?" I asked angrily.

"Come outside and I'll tell you everything".

"Nope I'm good." I said before hanging up the phone.

Who does he think he is? Showing up hours late and expecting me to come out with him? I found out his flaw. He's crazy! That's what he is!

Even though my mind was telling me to go back to bed and ignore the messages he was sending. My body found itself changing into a longer pair of shorts, and putting on a bra. Then somehow, my hands unlocked the door and walked out, despite my brain shouting at me saying I should stay inside. As I walked up to the vehicle he hopped out the driver's seat and watched me as I walked up to him. He was flashing that ridiculously adorable smile but I kept mine as straight as possible. When I was finally standing before him, I mustered all of the attitude I had  flowing through my veins and said,

"Well? What do you want?"

"I want to tell you what happened and to see if you'd allow me to make it up to you"

"Your one and only chance" I said still ensuring he knows that I'm vexed.

"Can we at least sit in the car?"

I reaffirmed my stance, folding my arms across my chest to show him I wasn't moving. He might be charming but he isn't going to always get what he wants with me.

"Alright" he said realizing that this is as good as it gets. "here's what happened..." He spent the next few minutes explaining that he'd left work a little late. Then his sister called at around 6:30 asking him to pick up his nephew from daycare and dropping him off at her house. He'd somehow left his phone at the daycare centre and didn't realize until he arrived at his sister's house, all the way in Stony Hill. By the time he got back to the daycare centre, they were closed and it was already 8:00 o'clock. He drove back to his sister's house to get the daycare centre's number. After several tries into the late night, the day care person finally answered. She had gone out somewhere and wouldn't be back until 11 o'clock. So he went back, waited until the lady arrived. Got his phone. He saw the messages. Decided not to call but would speak to me in person.

He said things could easily be misunderstood over text and he wanted to give me the explanation in person. So he drove here to explain at 1 in the morning.

When he finally finished, I didn't say anything. I was wondering if I should believe him or not. I might be crazy for thinking that he'd make up such an elaborate story just to get me to forgive him.

But these men sometimes would call Jesus off the cross just to get you to believe their lies. When I didn't respond,

"Look I understand if we can't do anything tonight but don't give up on a new friendship because of a bad night. I'm a good guy, let me show you" then he smiled again, the bastard.

Well he did use a lot of gas just to get here. And what reason does he really have to lie? He has a girlfriend and is just playing with you? My mind battled itself until I finally said.

"Thanks for coming. But I don't think I want any new friends. I'm just not into getting to know people right now"

"Come on Lisa seriously? One bad night and suddenly you don't want to be friends with me?"

"Right. I don't really need new people in my life. I have work, Teddy, Petty, my family. I'm good."


"Really. And it's getting late. I'm tired. You should probably go home". He hung his head an inhaled placing his hands on his hips.

"Wow. You know it doesn't have to be like this"

"Well it is so..." I said stepping back.

"Okay Lisa. Okay." He said nodding and looking at me with remorseful eyes. Why's he sad? He barely knew me. What does he have to be sad about? I'm doing him a favour. He doesn't need me as a friend and I don't need him.

I watched as he got into his car and drove off. I walked back inside the house and I realized that there was now a pit in my stomach. My feelings didn't make sense, why was I feeling upset? This is want I wanted.

The good angel on my right shoulder said, I just shut him down for helping his sister by picking up his nephew. Gosh! How selfish and stupid could I be? Or you made a good call and rid yourself of any potential heartbreak. I decided to believe the latter.

"I'm just protecting myself" I tried to convince myself as I crawled back into bed. "Protecting myself from more disappointment and protecting my single life".    

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