Chapter Fourteen

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*Two years ago*

"Babe?" Antonio nudged my side.

"What?" I groaned, rolling over and laying my head on his chest.

"Movie's over"
I yawned. "That's ok. Go back to sleep"

"I wasn't sleeping."

"Shh." I said placing my hand over his lips. "Go to sleep". He chuckled.

"I can't stay over Lisa".

I groaned and threw my leg over his.

"Why?" I moaned. He was quiet. I looked up at him. Why is it that he always left our weekly movie night? We were adults and I had my own dorm room, why was he so against sleeping over?

"I ..." He hesitated. "I have some assignments to start, remember I'm going to Westmoreland tomorrow, so I need to start tonight."
I checked the time on the laptop; it was a bit little past 11 pm.
"So you are going to drive a half hour to Gordon Town? And start an assignment so late?"

"Yes" he said simply while he put on his jeans. I admired his petite tight bottom as he bent over to put on the other leg.

"Why not just do it here now?"

"My notes are at home". He had an answer for everything.

"Come on, or do it when you get to Westmoreland"

" I can't concentrate at home or here for that matter, with your sexy ass" he said while rubbing my bare leg. I smiled at him.

Antonio and I had been together for a few months now. We had met at school one day, when Teddy and I were walking to the library. He was telling me about how he met the most amazing girl in his Academic Writing class at the start of the semester, named Petrina.

I was distracted by his story when I accidentally ran into Antonio who had stopped suddenly in front of me. I told him to watch himself. He made a witty comeback and from then I was hooked on everything Antonio.

His mind, his deep brown eyes, his charm, his body and the way he carried himself so smoothly. We clicked immediately and it didn't take long for us to make things official.

"Fine, go on. Do you boo." I said feigning disappointment. When he was ready, he asked me to follow him to his car. I put on a pair of black jeggings and followed him out. At his car, we hugged, and he planted a kiss that was nothing short of passionate on my lips. A gesture so strong that it lingered even after our lips parted.

"I love you so much, you know that right?" I was puzzled by the seriousness of his tone.

"I love you too."

" And no matter what, it's you and me forever."

" Yes forever" I said with a smile. I placed my hands around his neck and leaned in for another kiss.

"Do you trust me Lisa? Trust that we are forever?"

"Of course I do. I've never felt this way about anyone ever before. I'm yours forever" I pledged myself to him.

"That's my girl" he gave me quick pecks on my forehead, nose, eye, and lips and I giggled like a tween school girl.

I settled in my bed that night, but stayed up to wait on the text from Antonio that he got home safe.

I waited for about an hour before texting to check up on him. He didn't reply so I called. The phone went to voicemail. I tried several times and got the same result. This was unlike him. He always checked in.

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