Chapter One

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Diary entry # 35

Lonesome Thoughts

"Being single is great. I love it!". That's what we tell ourselves when basically all the relationships we've had, have ended in disaster. I mean newly single isn't so bad, you feel free, alive, like the world is yours for the taking. But when you are going on two years without a mate, it's not so liberating. However my case is a little different. I'm basically a professional at this single thing. I am the type that daydreams of the man I want, and it feels real. But as soon as a man approaches me on the street, I get out my cross and I rebuke them in the name of Jesus. He could have been the man I was dreaming about, my prince charming, my soulmate and I stopped him dead in his tracks.  I think of it this way, what if he wasn't the one, but it's the next guy on the bus, or it could be the friendly neighbour you only say hi to. It could even be your nerdy co-worker, or your best friend. My point is how am I supposed to know, that the man for me is the one sitting across from me in some fast food restaurant huh? You .Never.Know.

A lot of people fall in love with their best friends, I tried it. Been there, done that. Teddy and I had been friends for almost ten years. I never really considered him as a possible partner, until one day, around 3 years ago we were having an early morning talk about the deep stuff that come out at 2 am. We were both single, young and had a bottle of red wine between us on my bed; when Teddy had the brilliant idea of us trying to be together. Apparently he had been thinking about it for a while, and it made sense you know. We were both in university, studying the same thing, our parents knew each other. He's handsome, and I could pass as pretty on some days, plus, we get along...most times. What could go wrong there?

Let me tell you, a lot could go wrong. You see it wasn't a match made in heaven. We stopped being honest with each other about our feelings. I need honesty and to be honest. Then it got all weird, kissing in public. Walking on egg shells most times was exhausting. The first attempt at sex wasn't good either. Seeing him naked was weird, also me being naked was even weirder. And after 5 weeks of torturing ourselves in a relationship we went back to being just friends.

So my question is, if I can't be with my best friend then who am I supposed to be with?

I closed my diary, sat up on my bed and stared at my reflection. My hair was in knots from a day full of naps. My laptop was playing the movie Inception, that I was trying to re-watch from 8 am this morning, the first time I woke up. Yep it was one of those Saturdays; the days when the only reasons to get up were to get some frosted flakes and use the bathroom.

I wasn't depressed or anything like that. It was just a lazy day you know. I feel like nowadays everyone has been on the go non-stop, working 24/7. Then again, my job does get busy and I do find myself working on the weekends sometimes.

But me, I believe in a good old fashioned lazy day, where the bed is warm, the fan is cool, and the movies are never ending. But the number one rule of a lazy day is NO OUTSIDE COMMUNICATION. No texting, calling or getting up when your mother wants help with something. Well, I have to get up when she calls or else she'll disrupt my solitude.

I was about to go back to the movie and restart it for the umpteenth time when my phone rang. A quick glance at the screen showed that Teddy was calling. I ignored it of course. He probably wants advice on his girlfriend problems again. It finally stopped.

Then as soon as I was about to press play it rang again. I ignored once more. Does he not know that I'm having me time? The phone rings again and this time it's Petrina, his girlfriend, who quickly became my friend too. It must be serious if both of them won't leave me alone. I ignored. Teddy rang again, and I decided to break the number one rule of lazy day.

"I'm sorry you have reach the voicemail box off..." I started to say in my best automated voice. I didn't have much practice.

"Stop it! Lisa, why are you ignoring me?" he interrupted.

"For your information, I wasn't ignoring you, I was having me time" I declared.

"Well me time is over. We are coming to pick you up in an hour."

"To go where?"

"You'll find out when we get there" he said.

"Wear something sexy!" I hear Petty shout from the background. I frown. I was really enjoying my lazy day. I stayed at work late the day before just so this wonderful day could be possible.

"Alright see you at 7." He hung up without giving me a chance to argue. It's too bad, because I like arguing.

"Seven? But it's only.... 3.... Nope it was 7" And as if the time on my phone wasn't enough, I peeked behind the curtain I used to block out all the daylight. Yep the sky was a bright array of pinks, oranges and yellows and the sun almost gone.

I considered my options, do I stay in my warm comfy bed and watch Inception, which was an amazing movie or do I go to this mystery place with my friends? I decide to use the flip of a coin, the way to solve all my life dilemmas.

"Heads, movie, tails, go out", in the moment that the coin was flipped in the air your heart should tell you what you want.I wanted to be in bed but sure enough destiny had a plan and it looked like I was going to have to find something sexy to wear tonight.    

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