Chapter 2

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As the crickets howled lightly in the background, the sound of the car radio poured out some odd, poppy tunes. "Jesus Tyler do you listen to anything good?" Asked a boy with dark ginger and brownish hair. He wore a simple long sleeve shirt with red and black sleeves, and a small button at the collar area. His hair was swayed down to his green eyes, reddish cheeks and a spray of freckles.

"Clay shut up this is my song." Alysa said closing her eyes and dancing to the music in her seat. She had long and soft, light oak hair with a casual grey hoodie and comfy black yoga pants. "Let your thick and slow girl enjoy her music." I giggled keeping my eyes on the road as Alysa laughed to our odd inside joke. I had dark brown hair as the top of my head with light, soft blonde sticking up neatly to the side, I wore a simple name brand t-shirt and basketball shorts in a blue and black color scheme. I scratched at the hairs on my chin.

I peered back into the car to check up on the remaining friends. Ruthie was laying her head on Darien's shoulder as he checked his phone. The light shined on Darien's dark skin and his black short, puffy hair. He wore a plain blue shirt with regular grey shorts. Ruthie has long, light brown, mixed with dark and tiny bit of blonde, hair. She wore an oversized sweatshirt that was light blue, most likely belonging to Darien. And simple grey shorts. What a cute couple, I smiled.

Then finally, Joey and Helen making bad jokes and looking up memes on their phones. Helen had black hair and blonde tips. Her phone reflected off her glasses. She wore a fashionable stripped t-shirt that stopped above her belly button, with a small jacket over top in a dark navy blue, and skinny blue jeans.

Joey had short, black hair and wore the same black hoodie he always wears no matter when or where, and dark grey pants. "Are we there yet?" Darien asked. "That's the fourth time you asked, and almost.... I think?" I said not sure of myself. We are supposed to meet up with our friends at this campsite.

There awaited our other six friends. We were around our final years in high school and thought it'd be fun to enjoy the beginning of our together and what not at a campsite. "I still don't know how Caitlyn talked us into coming here anyway." Alysa sighed lowering the music. "Why not? A creepy campsite is the perfect way to start summer!" Darien exclaimed happily. I rolled my eyes, "Yeah a perfect way to die in a horror movie."

That's when suddenly the car started to make odd noises. "Mother of pearl! What's going on?!" Ruthie exclaimed in a hazy, half-awake state. "Shit...." I sighed as the car came to a complete halt. "Are we...?" Clay asked looking at the fuel gauge. "Out of gas." I sighed.

As we all shuffled out of the car with a large sigh we grab our things we were going to bring to the campsite. "I'll text Larissa." I sighed, pulling out my phone. "I'll call a tow." Clay said already on his phone talking.

Tyler: Hey, the car ran out of fuel so we'll meet you at the camp site

I sighed as I sent the text and shoved my phone back in my pocket. "Tyler, didn't you fill up the gas?" Helen asked. "I did! Remember, everyone was at the gas station together. You and Joey were playing Wake Me Up in the car. The manager came out and yelled at you and I had to calm him down. Not to mention you almost stole candy." I glared at Alysa and Darien. They smiled looking away.

"I guess we better haul our way up then." Clay sighed, going ahead being the leader of the group. "Yeah." I sighed adjusting my backpack as we walked up the road.


After a while of walking we finally made our way to the woods. "Thank god." I sighed in relief. "These legs weren't made for walking." Alysa said sighing, being the very last one to make it the camp's entrance. "Now which trail should we take?" I asked. As the path in front of us split into five different lanes. "I thought you remembered." Clay sighed as all eyes landed on me. "Hehehe I thought I did but I didn't..... Eheheh." I laughed stepping forward awkwardly.

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