Chapter 8

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As our feet make heavy steps in the dirt and leafs as we move along, I notice something odd. "Alysa look." I said shining my light to the imprinted mud. "Is that a foot print?" She ask. "Yes, but whose is the question. And do we follow it?" I asked with a hint of fear in my look. We both looked at each other with that long look of concern.

"Well..... I guess. As much as I hate to play the horror movie genre dumbass. It's our only lead to the others." Alysa states. I sighed and agreed. As we walk ahead I can feel the tension of the air thicken. "Do you think we'll ever find them?" I asked softly. "I hope-" Alysa was cut off by the sound of snapping twigs.

Instantly, the hatchet in my hand goes up. I clench it tightly as I wait with my eyes locked on my surrounding. Then a blur appears from the bush and I swing my hatchet to the left. "AGH!" It screams in pain. As I turn around ready for another blow I see it's Darien. A large cut on his right arm is now visible as it oozes out blood. "Darien!" Alysa yells. "Fuck...." I whisper.

"aghhh.... what the hell?" Asked Darien looking at my bloody hatchet. "Hey! I'm sorry you literally dashed out of the bushes and I had to react back." I said running over to him and squeezing his arm. Out of the bush waddles Ruthie seeming to have recovered from her sprain. "Darien!" She waddles over quickly and grabs his head softly. "Are you okay?!" She asked with glossy eyes.

"Yes I am, just a scratch." He says obviously in pain. "Alright mr. Macho." I roll my eyes and rip a part of my shirt off and tie it tightly on the wound. "That should hopefully work." I sighed. "Sorry." I say, quickly looking at Darien with worry of his reaction.

"Well I guess I can forgive you. But if we make it out of this, I'll kill you." He joked.... I think? We all took a moment to sit and relax. Darien explained how Ruthie and himself where looking for the others after they split up. Then Alysa and myself explained our views. " So Clay is out there.... and Helen, Joey, and Nathan are dead." Darien states heavily. "At least to our knowledge they are the only ones dead." I state with a bit of fear in my voice.

"I'm scared.... I just want to get it of here." Ruthie curled to her knees in a mutter. Darien rubbed her back with care. "I am too, honestly. This would be a dumb place to die." I said softly. "Why?" Darien asked. "I don't know, so many things in my life are unfilled and if I died here... it'd be so pointless. You know?" I asked as my eyes became a little glossy. "Don't worry.." I said rubbing my eyes. "I'm sure you guys will get out." I smile.

Before anyone had a moment to respond, a stumbling of leaves startle us. We all turn to see a shadowy figure. I grab my hatchet and get ready to attack. As it is Clay who stumbles his weight onto the tree. I drop my hatchet and rush over. "Clay are you okay?!" I ask. He looks up as blood oozes out of his mouth and gives a weak smile saying. "Sorry buddy." Then a sharp crunch is heard as a blade is shoved out of his stomach. He goes limp as he collapses. By this time I back up in fear. Now the figure in a white outfit and black mask appeared covered in blood. The figure let's out a distorted laugh. I stumble on the floor as I back up frantically. Then I feel my hatchet on the dirt and grip it tightly. "Tyler get up!" Alysa yells frantically.

The figure quickly makes its way to me as the long blade they held goes into the air. I grip my hatchet and swing full force at the beast. Surprised it gets struck in the side as it's grip on the blade became loose. It led out a high scream. Quickly I throw myself at the figure and knock it over.

I grab at the mask as I pull it off violently. But to my surprise it was a female. Golden yellow hair slipped out. "You're not one of the brothers." My voice stumbles. She smirked in pain as I felt a sharp pain appear in my back. She pulled out a pocket knife and had jammed it into my side. "AGh!" I yell as she twists it in my side. I then use my hand to grab her throat and squeezed. She let's go of the blade and goes for my hands. Suddenly, Darien pulls me off her. "LETS GO!" He yells as we all make a dash. As he picked Ruthie up in his arms and as I grabbed Alysa's hand.

After we ran zig zags around the woods we caught our breath. "Tyler what the hell?!" Alysa punched my arm. "What?!" I asked as I grabbed my hip and the blade painfully. Darien then walked over and placed his hands on my hip. "This might hurt." He said. "Wait-" I said but was cut off as I bit my tongue as he yanked the blade out of my side. "Shit!" I yelled as he began to wrap my body in a ripped piece of cloth. "Pay back." He laughed slightly.

"Agh...." I said in pain. "Tyler what did you mean back there?" Ruthie asked. It took a moment until it hit me. "Oh.... ugh. Well when Clay and I where in the cabin we found a news article stating the disappearance of brothers. I assumed that one or even both of them could be killers." I said. "That's a wild assumption... besides we found this." Darien said pulling a piece of paper of his pocket. I took it from his hands and read

Missing boys found in woods. As sad as it is to hear, we were too late. They died from starvation as we barely missed their findings by 2 days.

It was to my shock that the picture of the boys was the same as the one in the cabin. "Why didn't you mention this earlier?!" I asked angry. "I forgot!" Darien said a little taken aback. " So all we know is that.... that girl is out killing us and the others." Ruthie said. I nod, "Well what should we do now?" I ask. "Maybe follow that." Alysa said pointing to the sky. As we directed our attention to a large pillar of smoke rising from the sky. "Do you think that might be the others?" Ruthie asked. "Maybe." Darien said.

"Either way it is something important." I said as my feet began to move ahead.

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