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The sound of the blades spinning was what gave everyone hope; hope of survival. The helicopter didn't even notice the seven teenagers standing by the burning cabin until they flew through the black cloud of smoke. There were seven teens altogether, but six survived the trip back.

The helicopter landed after they sprayed the fire down with special foam and onto the nearby forests which also started to spread the fire. A man, head of the fire department, exited the helicopter to meet with the stranded teens. He rushed the teens into the helicopter, taking them to the hospital. One died before they made it back to civilization.



(48 hours after being rescued)

My arm strained in the cast. The gash in my arm was too deep and they had to stitch it in surgery. I haven't even seen the others. I haven't seen Ruthie and it's making me worry. I held Tyler in my arms. So close. He was so close to living and I watched the life fade from his eyes. I began to tremble at the memory and the promise he made me keep. I'll never forget Tyler or anyone who was mercilessly killed that night. I felt a warm tear fall down my cheek. My head is pounding in my skull from the light. Some man who said he was the head of the detective agency investigating our case said he had questions for me. I was sat in a room with blank walls and bright fluorescent lights hanging overhead

A man with pale skin and dark brown, curly hair walked in. He wore a black suit reminding me of Men in Black. For a second I expected him to pull out the small pen that makes people forget everything. He gave me a soft smile and pulled a chair up to the desk between us. I felt like I was being interrogated for something I was a victim for. I just want to get out of here! Where is everyone?

"Hello Darien, my name is officer Grant and I'm just here to listen to what happened to you in those woods." He said in a deep voice adding a soft smile before pulling out a small recorder. I swallowed hard trying to remember everything that's happened. Everything I've been through in one night. I took a breath, that came out too shaky for my liking, and began to tell my story.


(48 hours after being rescued)

I'm weak. I can't move my body. Maybe it's the trauma, but I stayed in the hospital bed curled up in a ball, and just cried. I cried for myself and for everyone of my friends who I'll never see again.

Suddenly, the door opened and a man walked in. He was wearing a suit and a grim smile. I figured he was either a journalist or detective. So they are questioning all of us now? He took a seat right next to my bed and sat with a sigh. I didn't take notice to anything else; I stayed curled up.

"Hello William, my name is officer Blake, I'm investigating your case along with some other colleagues of mine who will be asking your friends some questions." He said in a soft voice. I didn't say anything.

He sighed and I heard the sound of paper. "I know this can be hard-" I flipped over to face him. "Hard? Do you know what I went through that night?" I yelled with a tremor in my voice. He stayed silent as I let out all my frustration. "You have no fucking clue! I saw my best friends die in one fucking night! They are dead and not coming back!" I yelled. My nose began to burn and tears started to fall down my face.

"My friends are dead," I said softly as I sniffled. "Write that in your report." I said glumly before turning back over in the hospital bed, ignoring the rest of this interview.


(50 hours after being rescued)

I don't feel like myself. I feel as if I am actually a dead soul living in a human body. How can I go on after this? I expect our parents to be here soon but I haven't seen them yet. I just want to cry but I don't have anymore tears to let fall.

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