Chapter 4

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My face went pale and my hands grew clammy. I slowly wipe off a drop of blood not of my own from my face. But from that of the now deceased Joey. It was a gruesome sight of seeing one of your friends being decapitated in front of you.

"Wh-what..... the hell..." Darien muttered softly. I covered my mouth as I drooled feeling sick. I ran to a near by bush and hurled as hard as I could. The movies can never really capture the look or the smell, god the smell. The air thick with iron, and that of organs. A smell I can't describe without wanting to puke. Speechless and scared, we couldn't move. Frozen in fear.

"W-we need to go." Clay said without stability in his voice and a shakiness in his throat that had a hoarse tone. "We can't.... leave him... like this." Alysa said with a shaky tone trying to look away. "We don't have much of a choice!" Ruthie screamed as she pointed behind me. There was the man. Dressed in white with a black mask. "Run!" Screamed Helen as we broke for a sprint.

All of us scattered into a deeper part of the woods afraid of what was and is to come. I ran as tree branches appeared from the darkness to only dirty my cuts and wounds from before and to add only more. Soon enough I dove for a bush and hid.

The large bush was shady and had thick leaves. I peak out through them to get a glance. I see the man in white slowly walk by. His feet crunch against the sticks of the wood's floor. And squish in the mud. I cover my mouth to stop myself from panting from running. He turns over to get a glance at my bush. I widened my eyes and lean away from the view I made. I close my eyes. Now I was in complete darkness, surrounded.

I heard his feet come closer. He made crunching sounds as weak twigs crunched under his large feet then sinking into the muddy dirt. Again and again, I hear footsteps come closer and closer. He stops at the bush. I can hear his breath.

He has a soft pant, lightly. He seems to be able to endure the running of chasing his victims. But softly, I can hear it. "Haaaa, haaa" his warm breath travels to me.

I try to calm myself and keep myself quiet as an effort to stay hidden. Then he slowly turns and walks away as the squish and crunch of sticks and mud fade. I wait a long moment, a moment that felt like a century of waiting.

Then I let go of my mouth. And sigh, then slowly, slowly I sobbed. Large water droplets appeared in my eyes and dropped to the ground. My vision became blurry. "Joey's.... dead." I say softly. As I hug my knees. This moment I knew he never can come back. I wouldn't get to see his dumb ass smile again after making a meme joke. Or ever trying to wake him up in History or laughing at all the wrong times. He's gone. I sobbed into my knees. Then I felt a hand placed on my shoulder.

I froze. It's the man! its my time to be killed. My eyes grew wide and I shake as I get drenched in a cold sweat. "Tyler are you alright?" I heard a familiar voice. I turn slowly to see my friend Clay. A huge sense of relief goes over my body. I give him a warm hug. "Jesus you scared me." I said then letting go.

"Sorry about that." He smiled goofily. "So how about the others? Did you see them?" I asked concerned for the others. He looked off to the side with a saddened look. "I saw them all run into the woods, after that, not much." He said with a sigh.

I slowly stand up and brush off the most mud and dirt I could. "Okay let's find them and get the hell out of here." I said with my best confidence. He smiled to reassure me, yet it wasn't very reassuring as he seemed to be more scared then me.

We then walked off to find our lost friends, scared of what will come. After some time pass give or take. We arrived at a cabin. "Hey look!" Clay said pointing to the oaky cabin with excitement. "Hmmmm... we should try to be careful though.." I said as I looked to him a bit concerned. He gave me a look of understanding as we slowly walked into the cabin.

We open the door slowly with a loud creak. It's pitch black inside, we can't see a thing. I pull out my phone and turn on the flashlight. "My battery is running out so we'll have to be careful." I said. As we looked around it appeared that someone was living in here. It was stocked with food and various other items. "Looks like someone likes camping." Clay whispered close by. .

Looking around unnoticed something odd. It was a drawer with a piece of paper sticking out of it. I bent down and opened it as I picked out the paper. It was a news article.

"2 boys go missing in woods, search continues as mother worried sick. Both bothers went on a camping trip but lost connection and faded off the grid. Hopes are low."

Then it seemed to have two pictures and names. Yet they where both scratched out. "What's that?" Clay asked. I handed to him as I let the light shine on the paper for him to read. "Hmm. Jesus what sick horror novel are we apart of," he said with a sigh. "Well following that newspaper, that means the killer is one of these boys or something weird. But two boys?" I said. "And one killer." Clay finished. "Meaning there might be a dynamic duo that's out in the woods killing us." I hesitated. "And our friends." I finished getting worried.

"Anyway, I think we have been in here enough. It smells kinda gross." He said pinching his nose. I winced as I just seemed to noticed the smell. I shine my light around the room till I see a closet. I walk over and gag. "Yep this is defiantly the smell." He said smacking the air.

Then I notice something unpleasant. There was dark stains of crimson around the area, then Clay's words scared me more. "It smells like blood." He said softly. "If I'm correct, whatever we find after opening this door, we won't like." I said. "Closet." He corrected. I slowly reach for the handle of the door, I mean closet.

I slowly open as the smell hits us both. The smell of thick of iron. Then as we opened it we saw a large bag stained with blood at the bottom, drenched in it. "Oh god." Clay muttered. I slowly open the bag. It seemed to be some sort of meat. Looked like pig? Chicken? Cow? Then I saw it.... a hand. I jumped back and clasped my mouth. "Jesus." He said shaking. I tried to regain myself and looked closer. The hand was in darker shade of skin and had a bracelet on. "No, does that mean..?"


The lights flashed on in an instant as I looked to the door, there was the man in white drenched in blood. A large weapon in his hand and the head of our friend Helen in the other. Her face frozen in fear. "Run!" I screamed as I grabbed the nearest item and threw it at the man.

He ran towards us knocking over the table in the room. I then threw my phone at him as I grabbed Clay's hand and sprinted out the door. "What- what the hell!" He screamed still in shock. "Just keep running!" I scream as we run deeper into the woods. I only have two thoughts on my mind, run and don't stop, and our dear friend Helen is now dead.

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