chapter one//the escape

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Your Point of View

It was currently a late Friday night and you were just laying in bed scrolling through your Instagram feed when suddenly a knock on your window shook you out of your mindless scrolling.  You trudge to the window already knowing who was bothering you this late, it had to be y/bff/n. 

"What do you want y/bff/n?" You say without even looking out the window. Even though y/bff/n was your best friend you still got annoyed at him/her plenty. Not hearing a response after a long period of time you look down to see no one in your yard. Your brow furrows as a reflex when out of nowhere y/bff/n pops into view. You scream while falling backward and your head smacks your bed leaving a big, red mark.

"Oh my god," y/bff/n begins rushing into the open window. Even though you were angry about the situation you begin laughing hysterically, clutching your stomach due to the fact that you could barely breathe. Y/bff/n begins to laugh too and you're both there curled up on the ground when finally you get a hold of yourselves. 

"You never told me why you're here, what do you want to do at this time at night?" You say while giving your best friend a wink. You just assumed that he/she wanted to go hang out at the park and at Safeway (if there isn't a park or a Safeway near you then just think of two places you usually hang out at with your friends), just like the times before (sorry if you haven't snuck out before, just imagine that this your first time sneaking out). 

"Hmph, so a best friend can't just go to their friend's house? Jeez, I didn't know you were like this y/n." Y/bff/n says while wiping away an imaginary tear. You roll your eyes at his/her sarcastic comments. "Okay fine, I was planning on going to (he/she names a place strip mall's name, for me Saffron). My parents aren't home so I don't have any food to eat, can we go buy chips or something?" You sigh and nod your head while quietly grabbing your phone charger, a hoodie, and your sneakers. 

"Is this fi-" You begin when you make it back to your room. However when you arrive your best friend is nowhere to be found. Assuming that he/she just went back outside you put your shoes on, throw on your hoodie, and climb out the window. 

Having done this before (once again I'm sorry if you haven't snuck out before, just pretend to please or imagine that you're navigating your way off your roof for the first time. Or if your room is on ground-level that you can just walk out through a door/climb out of a window) you easily find your way off your slanted roof. You had trouble squeezing out of your window but it only costs you a couple minutes. After making it to the edge of your roof you grab onto the gutter and ease your way down. Feeling your feet hit the driveway was one of the best feelings in the world. 

"Took you long enough!" Y/bff/n pouts while sitting on the ground. Once again you roll your eyes and check your phone. Just past 11:30, you had about six hours before your mom/dad (or both) wakes up (or if your parents sleep longer, mine don't, then add more hours... or if they wake up earlier remove hours. I can't satisfy everyone's lifestyles, sorry!). Meaning if it took a 30-minute walk there, a 30-minute walk back... you begin calculating the time in your head. "You doing that dumb thing again? C'mon, for once lets not waste an hour of you just standing there spacing out." He/She grabs your wrist and begins dragging you along.


Author's Note:

Sorry that this isn't a very eventful chapter! 

I wanted to include more events in this chapter (as to make the first chapter enticing and tempting the readers to continue) but all the detail ended up making the chapter more then 670 words long. I'm truly sorry that I had to include details that may not suite everyone's lifestyle, however those details will push along the story. So if ever you're reading this and something is different from what would happen in your life... then please either pretend that you're "trying new things"/acting differently from usual or mentally imagine it as in your case. Such as the part where I mention that you could "easily navigate the roof, for you had snuck out countless of times..." If you've never snuck out before (honestly I hope you haven't, I've only snuck out twice) then maybe imagine that scenario as something such as, "Due to the fact that I've never snuck out before getting off of the roof was difficult, but somehow I mangaged. Luckily my best friend told me where to step, grab, and such making the task easier..."

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