chapter two//curly fry & bub

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Your Point of View

Before long you and your best friend make it to (popular strip mall/place you and your friends hang out at a lot). You're both laughing as you walk into Safeway (or another store). As you empty the shelves you suddenly realize that you didn't bring any cash. For a moment a sickening though comes into your head, was y/bff/n planning on stealing these? You dismiss the thought and proceed on asking your best friend how they were going to pay for all of this.

"As I assumed you didn't bring any money, good thinking fool," y/bff/n complains while pulling out fifty dollars from his/her bag. You take a breath of relief, you always had fun with y/bff/n but sometimes you felt like he/she was a bad influence, but if he/she was planning on stealing these it would've driven you to leave and never talk to him/her again. 

As we approach the register you see that surprisingly you're not the only shoppers at this hour, one register down there's a tall, curly-haired boy and a red-ish haired lanky boy about the same height as the curly-haired boy. 

"Y/bff/n, what the actual f-ing hell (sorry if you don't swear, also you actually swear I just bleeped it out since I'm such a saint). There are other people here, has there ever been other people here before?" You whisper into your best friend's ear. He/she swats you away and begins to pay for the food, you keep glancing down at the two mysterious boys, secretly hoping that they won't leave before you do. 

It feels like forever but it was actually a mere minute when you and your best friend have finished paying for everything. You casually attempt to speed up but try to not make it to obvious. You begin getting closer to their register when the curly haired boy turns around for a split second, in that second you could barely make out his freckles on his face. When you reach the register the boys finish checking out, they grab their bags and begin to head out of the door. In last resort, you call out after the guys. 

"Nice freckles curly fry!" As soon as the words fell out of your mouth y/bff/n began chucking, then giggling, and then full on laughing. He/she was laughing so hard a couple tears began to roll down his/her cheeks. The curly haired boy (aka curly fry) stopped and turned around. 

"Thanks, and nice face bub!" He calls out and slightly winks. He turns back and runs after his friend who hadn't stopped like he did. 

But the funny thing was that you had felt like you recognized that face, that quick moment when he turned around... something really felt familiar. 

[463 words]

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