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  When school was over me Diana, and amber went to the famous duffy's diner to eat and talk they wanted to know what brought this change. I told them i was just tired of being depressing ,and wanted to change.And i wasn't totally lying i did want change , but i lied when i said i didn't blame myself cause no matter what i will always blame myself.Once i got home i there was a note on the counter and it said /       SORRY SWEETIE HAD TO WORK EXTRA HOURS ILL BE HOME LATE DO NT WAIT UP

                             LOVE MOM

             Once i was in my room i felt a cold presence i saw something on my bed i didn't know what it was out of no where my books from the ground started floating . then the room dropped 50 degrees it was so cold i could see my own breath i felt like i was going to freeze to death.I couldn't move a muscle it felt like i might shatter if i did, so i didn't move.Then a ghostly figure started to move near me i was so scared , but i couldn't move i felt like i was going to have a heart attack . I started to pray for god to save me then i started to scream for help but no one came.What happened next i couldn't comprehend  the ghostly figure was at my ear its breath so cold but felt good then it whispered,''don't believe everything people tell you then it was gone and the room was warm again. I finally let out the breath i was holding in then blacked out................

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