Haters gonna hate

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It's been 3 months since Haha oppa and I became official. Honestly, I've never felt happier than this. Haha oppa is a man who doesn't fit into the common image of romantics, he is romantic in his own style. Being a person who has experienced heartbreak before as well, we could understand each other quite well. He was very caring and always fetched me from my various work venues no matter how late it was or how tired he was. Sometimes, I feel so undeserving of his love for me. 

But this week, Haha oppa has been acting really strangely, I wonder if he is doing okay...


"Yeobo... Are you okay? You aren't eating the food? Is the food not nice?" I ask him when we were having a date at a BBQ restaurant. 

He continues to look a bit dazed and is in his own world.

"Oppa! The meat is burning!" I shout seeing the meat which he had placed on the grill sizzling loudly producing a burnt smell. 

He looks down and swears to himself silently and quickly uses a tong to remove the burnt meat. 

"Oppa... I asked you earlier, are you okay?" I ask him again slightly louder in case he didn't hear me earlier. 

"Ahhh... I'm okay ah yeobo, just a little tired from work. Nothing major okay... Sorry ah... Come let's enjoy our meal." He smiles and feeds me a piece of meat.


Hmmm... I think there's something bothering him again... But why doesn't he want to tell me? I'm his girlfriend, I want to share his burdens too!

To: Ji Hyo

From: Byul

Unnie! Are you free today for lunch? My treat! I need to ask you something important!

Hopefully she will be able to meet me today! I really need to ask her if anything happened during filming 3 days ago. I'll have time to talk to her since Haha oppa was filming for Infinity Challenge today.

*PING!* One new message!

To: Byul

From: Ji Hyo

Yes, I am free today! But my manager is busy today :( Do you mind fetching me from XXX building? Sorry ah!

Yay! I quickly text her that I'll be there in 20 minutes and smile to myself. 


I wonder what Byul wants to ask me about that's so important... Is it about Haha oppa? 

"Oh hello Byul!" I greet her as I board her car. 

"Hello unnie!" She greets me back. I notice her sigh to herself. 

"Byul ah, is something wrong?" I ask her gently. 

Yah! If that oppa did something mean to her I'll definitely teach him a lesson he'll never forget!!!

"Huh? Yeah everything is okay unnie... I'm just worried for Haha oppa..."

Wait what? Did something happen to Haha oppa? He did seem a little different this week compared to the past three months though... To be honest.

"What are you worried about for him?"

"That's the thing... I feel like he's hiding something from me..."

Hiding something?! Yaish!!! This oppa really! Byul is his girlfriend how can he keep secrets from her?!

"Let's talk while drinking and eating later unnie..." Byul tells me as she continues driving. I nod my head and let her drive quietly.

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