Derek: Reunion

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I spent the last two days on guard at Kristin’s house just in case Julian came back. Of course I only stayed during the afternoon after school, and went home at dinner. I was surprised Courtney even agreed to that. My parents had told me the day after Julian first attacked Kristin that they suspected Nora had gotten Julian to agree to give Kristin the bite.
It made me so angry I wanted to scream at her. I was outraged. Who had given her permission to play god and toy with Kristin’s life anyway? I wanted to tell Kristin but my parents told me Nora had to face her actions herself so I promised to stay out of it for the time being. I was giving Nora four days to tell Kristin the truth before I did.
Kristin had to know and she deserved to know.
My attention snapped to the East. I was walking in the woods and following a couple of werewolf scents and had just heard a growling noise. They smelled familiar yet at the same time they smelt foreign, and I was going to find out who was trespassing and kick them off of our property.
I probably should have told someone like my parents or Laura but I didn’t need their help. I was strong enough on my own.
You mean we’re strong enough. My wolf corrected me and I just rolled my eyes and sighed in annoyance.
I heard a twig snap to the West.
Oh please. I rolled my eyes. We’re they really trying to confuse me. How stupid did they think I was?
Another twig snapped to the East. I was growing tired of their games. It was boring and I was itching for a fight, and not the pathetic one I had with Cory which I didn’t even classify as a fight.
“Really?” I muttered knowing they would have heard me clearly even if they were far away.
The air from my lungs was forced out of my chest as I landed face down on the ground. He was sitting on top of me laughing and that’s when I recognised him.
“Tane! What the hell are you doing here?” I asked in surprise. He had moved to Brooklyn three month ago with his older brother Mark, and his sister Tina who was just a year younger than Tane. Their parents perished in the house fire three months ago along with five other family members. We were certain hunters were responsible- at least I was.
“It’s good to see you too,” Tane lifted his body slightly and landed on my back again, it didn’t hurt that much- it was more annoying than anything.
I threw him off of me and got to my feet just in time for him to tackle me back to the ground. We were around the same size in height and weight and we always used to wrestle. It was a guy thing.
Crash. He was sitting on my chest wearing a huge grin.
Using all my strength I was able to push him off of me again and he fell to the ground with a loud thud.
“Don’t you have school tomorrow?” I asked as Tane stood to his feet and ran his hands through his scruffy dark blonde hair in an attempt to get out the few leaves that had stuck themselves to his head.
“Yep but a few days off won’t hurt,” Tane smirked. He was the one that made all the girls swoon. I heard some say it was because of his blue eyes while others loved his smile. To me he just looked like- well like Tane.
He was my best friend and before he left we were always hanging out. Even though I was friends with him people still kept their distance, and they all wondered why he wasted his time hanging out with me.
“Well it’s about time,” I smirked and dodged out of the way as he ran at me again.
“You’ve gotten slow,” I laughed and Tane growled before a smirk surfaced.
“I’m just going easy on you,” Tane smiled as I heard someone creeping up behind me.
I knew it was Tina and I anticipated her attack and tripped her onto the ground. It was funny watching her fall and even more funny as she looked up at me in shock. I couldn’t help but laugh and Tane even joined in.
“You really think you can sneak up on me?” I asked her as she gave me the evil eye before standing to her feet. Just like her older brother she had blue eyes and her straight blonde hair reached past her shoulders.
Tina drove all the boys’ wild at school, but for some unknown reason she only had eyes for me. We didn’t date exactly, it was more complicated than that. I had no idea how to explain our relationship.
“Yes I do actually,” She wiped the dirt off of her jeans and put her hand on her hip as Tane and I continued to laugh.
“Oh please guys are stronger and faster than girls it’s scientific fact,” I spoke matter-of-factly.
“Yeah exactly,” Tane backed me up and Tina scowled at both of us.
“You two are idiots,” She retorted before her eyes looked into mine and a frown surfaced on her lips.
“I heard you already have another girlfriend,” her voice was full of disappointment. A small part of me felt guilty but at the same time I was to happy with Kristin to be worried about Tina.
“I do.”
Tane chuckled, “Awwww my boys whipped,” he laughed some more while Tina grinded her teeth. I could hear the spine chilling sound which sounded like nails being dragged on a chalk board.
I was confused. We were never an item at least not technically. Did she expect me to not date anyone? What did she want from me?
“Whatever I’m hungry,” Tina sounded like a child who had just thrown a tantrum and was still grumpy and upset.
Maybe you should keep her away from Kristin. My inner wolf suggested. It was the only smart thing that he had said. . . ever.
Agreed. I silently decided.
“Let’s go to the pizza place,” Tane suggested.
“Or you could go and pick us up some food and bring it back here. Derek and I can wait,” Tina answered and I held my tongue. I didn’t need her answering for me but she obviously had something to say, and I just wanted to get it over and done with.
“Derek?” Tane raised an eyebrow giving me an out.
“Go ahead we’ll wait here,” I watched as a smile surfaced on Tina’s face.
“Okay your funeral,” He chuckled and walked away leaving us alone and I was dreading the conversation that was about to take place.
Tina waited a few minutes until Tane couldn't hear our conversation, and I was grateful because I knew it was going to be brutal and the last thing I needed was to be taunted by Tane about it.
“How long have you two been dating?” Tina asked as she leaned against a tree.
Okay so far not bad. I thought to myself. I had expected her to call me a few names or throw things at me. She was the biggest drama queen in the entire world and had been ever since I had known her, and she even had the temper to match.
“Just over a few weeks.”
Of course that wasn’t counting where it first started, where we first started.
“Oh so it’s a new relationship,” Tina sounded hopeful but I didn’t know why. She lived in Brooklyn and I wasn’t going to dump Kristin for her . . . no way!
“I guess. What about you? Do you have a boyfriend?” I was hoping she was going to say yes. The last thing I needed was Tina coming back and ruining my relationship with Kristin.
“No not at the moment I’m still hung up on someone else?” She smirked at me and I knew I had to stop her, and tell her that I didn’t have any romantic feelings for her not anymore.
There was only Kristin.
“Tina, I like Kristin a lot. I only like you as a friend. I’m sorry?” I watched as her face fell. I didn’t like being mean, well not to my friends or people who didn’t deserve it but I had to tell Tina the truth.
“But you were the one that told me not to go to Brooklyn. You said that you really cared about me.”
That was true I didn’t want her to go to Brooklyn as annoying as she got at times I did like her but a lot had changed.
“I know but things change.”
“Clearly,” Tina looked like she was about to cry.
“Don’t cry?” I begged her. If she cried than I would have to comfort her, and I knew she would try something and then I would have to tell Kristin who would try to scratch Tina’s eyes out and don’t even get me started on what would happened after that.
“Oh please like I would ever cry over you,” Tina spat.
“You’re only here for a few days right? Did you really expect everything to continue? It’s not like we were dating.”
“I know okay. I don’t know what I was expecting. It just doesn’t feel like I ever left.”
“I’m sorry,” I apologised and shrugged my shoulders. I didn’t know what else to say to her.
Her mood changed completely- instantaneously.
“Well now that that’s over. Let’s do something fun like hide and seek,” Tina smiled acting as if the conversation hadn’t happened at all. We didn’t play the normal version of hide and seek, but the fun werewolf version. We used all of the woods. There were no boundaries.
“Okay,” I agreed relieved she didn’t make a scene although it was almost creepy how quickly she pulled herself together.

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