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I am actually looking forward for this story of course I should decide what happens and such but I have a good feeling


Chapter 1
A dream

Marinette's P.O.V


I was running away from something but I did not dare to take a look at it, from the sounds of it, they were wolves.

Blood thirsty wolves.

All I could see was trees and bushes and earth all around me, I didn't feel excited at all I felt....scared?

Well I mean who wouldn't be afraid, I found a cave, and decided to hide inside there waiting until no one or wolf was there.

I sighed in relief, and slumped back against the cold cave wall, my dress was ripped with little splatters of blood. I relaxed until I saw a wolf. He looked different compared to the others.. he had black midnight fur with hints of blonde.

His eyes were almost like a cats, they were electrifying neon green. Like two emeralds under a light.

I was scared but as I keep staring at his eyes he reminded me of someone, which calmed me down a little.

He de-transformed, and the wolf that was in front of me moments ago had suddenly turned into a boy, almost my age. He had blonde hair and the same electrifying neon green eyes.

"Long time no see...Marinette"

Something cold splashed my face and I shot right up. "AH! I'm awake!" I screamed, "morning sleepy head!" I saw an Alya with a bucket that used to be filled with cold water grinning. "Morning" I groaned, "Do you know what day it is today?" She smiled, I shaked my head side to side. "Marinette today is the day where you will be choosing a husband!" She squealed.



"I don't want a husband I am a independent person!" I stated hoping she would change her mind.

"I agree, but it's to help you get ready for your coronation!" She explained

"Now the coronation? Alya I understand your excited but I am Cleary not, I love this kingdom as much as my parents do, but I am not willing to marry someone I barely know and call him King! I can rule this kingdom just as well as my parents!" I sighed.

Alya calmed down and looked at me, "Marinette I understand your stressed about being queen and getting married to someone you don't know nor do you love, but it's the sake of the kingdom" she explained and gave me a smile, and I returned a small smile back.

"Now come on let's get you dressed!" Pulling me out of bed, Alya is a true friend and probably the realest as well, I thought and giggled.

But then again...what did that dream mean?


A little earlier from when Marinette woke up..

Adrien's P.O.V
I close onto catching my human dinner, she was a female that had blackish blue hair, it reminded me of someone..

She ran into the cave and I decided to go in the other way.

I saw her closing her eyes in relief, and her shocked expression when she saw me only meters away, blue bell eyes. It suddenly hit me..

I de transformed, her expression was even more shocked, her eyes widened. "Long time no see... Marinette".

I woke up In a jolt, a shiver went down my spine.. Marinette? Who's Marinette? Her face seems so familiar, her eyes, her beauty...

No stop it Adrien! You can't fall in love.

I broke my train of thought and got dressed, the sun was barely up so I decided to go to my favourite spot. Itt was up a cliff nearby the sea, the sun would always look amazing when it was setting or rising.

The sudden light up ahead blinded me, I adjusted as I jumped from rock to rock up the cliff.

Finally up upon the cliff, I noticed that the clouds had cleared, and small birds and animal noises, I soon blocked them out of my head and tried figuring out what that dream meant.

Marinette? Was she a friend? Is she my enemy? Is she the on- no.. it couldn't be...could it?

Her raven blackish blue hair, and those eyes.. they were like two deep pools, almost as of someone had just mixed the sky and sea together and put it in her eyes.

So familiar..

"-rien ! Adrien!" I heard a voice behind me ruining my thoughts, "Oh Nino!" I waved, "C'mon dude! It's time for the morning hunt!" He proceeded down the cliff and I soon followed.

What did that dream mean? I might go ask Father later..

Marinette's P.O.V

I got dressed into a scarlet red dress, with Black dots slowly scattered around my dress, almost crawling up. My hair was in a Bun and I placed my tiara on. I stared at myself in the mirror, Sometimes I wish I can just be a normal girl who's allowed to go places..

I sighed, that wish would never come true. But she still prayed it would, a hopeless cause as some might say. I hurried downstairs meeting, Sir Kim, Sir Nathaniel and Sir Ivan.

"Ah! I see you've come to join us Marinette" my father exclaimed, I could only release a smile, I noticed Alya in her maid outfit sweeping the floors, she gave me a wink and I mentally rolled my eyes.

"I'm sure you've met Sir Kim, Sir Nathaniel and Sir Ivan before have you not?" He questioned, "I have Papa," I replied.

"Good then one of theses fine men will be your husband! I expect an answer by the end of the week" He smiled, I didn't want to disappoint him, or Mama, but I didn't want this.

He left the room and the Boys bowed making there way to the exit. I sighed and walked upstairs to my room. I placed my tiara down on its stool and looked out the window.

"I wonder what's it like to be in Akuma forest...I guess I can go find out myself tonight" she muttered to herself.

I went to go look for my red cloak and, the outfit underneath was white long sleeved with leather straps all around, I wore a black skirt with silver lining, underneath had layers and layers of red cloth. My belt had a small pocket for my knife.

Marinette placed the outfit in the back of her closet so the maids wouldn't know.

"Tonight's going to be fun" I thought.


*quickly runs to the other side and yells out "TRASH"*

I hoped you enjoyed it! And uh I know I have mentioned this before but how do you like my cover? Is it good or what ? XD

Anywayy I will update tomorrow or soon, depending on where you are in the world.

As always See you soon in the next chapter!

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