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Hai!Yeah ik I lied, I TRIED STAYING UP BUT I FELL ASLEEP I will also like to say that my first book..HAS REACHED 100 VIEWSSS eytgyatgsygyb whaT.

Okie Ima shut the fuck up and continue this story ;D

Chapter 6

Marinette's P.O.V
I, Marinette Dupain Cheng, the princess of Parisilla, is sitting on a Werewolf's LAP. I think the flip NOT!

I got off his lap and threw a book at him, "What was that for?" H groaned. "Hmm, you nearly seduced me, you wanted me to have 'fun' with you and you gave me this!" I exposed my neck by putting my hair on one side, showing him the mark.

He chuckled, "well at least every one will know that your mine princess~" He smirked, "I am not your princess nor am I yours!" I whispered yelled. He sighed, "come on get to bed m'lady" "..Fine." I pouted and climbed into bed. Adrien turned his light off.

The Moonlight was really bright, it was bright enough to the point where the room was tinted red due to my Cloak covering the window.

I faced the other side and looked at the stars, beautiful..


I woke up facing a very peaceful Adrien, the sun was barely peaking over the horizon, making the sky a purple ish sunrise. I forgot Adrien had wolf ears, they were pointy, almost like a cats. I guess my hand unconsciously wanted to touch it because before I knew it I was closer to his face.

So soft and fluffy..

I smiled to myself, and tucked a bit of his hair behind his ear, I slowly leaned in..


I was only a few centimetres away from his face..


I brushed my lips on his.


Before I knew it, his eyes were open. "Morning to you too Bugagboo", I got my pillow and shoved it in his face, what did I just do?!

"Mari, can you let me breathe please?" He asked, "Sorry" I sheepishly replied. I felt flustered, I looked like a blushing mess. "Well..I'll go get changed" I slowly got out of his bed, and buttoned up my Blouse. Do I have feelings for him or what?!

I put my boots on and tied them up, and slowly walked downstairs. I saw Mr. Agreste, eating some toast, "Uhm, Sir..can you please show me where the kitchen is?" I politely asked, he looked up, "just down the hall Marinette". "Thank you", I made my way down the hall.

I noticed multiple pictures of Adrien's Family, there was one photo, it had two babies and 4 parents, I looked at it for a while..

Mom and Dad?!

Adrien's P.O.V
I fixed myself up and made my way downstairs, and walked down the hall. "Marinette what are you doing?" "This photo..has my family in it.." she mumbled, "Uhm what?".

"I need to ask your father something," with that she carefully unhooked the frame and brought it too my Father, "Uh, Mr Agreste, I'm aware that your a busy, but I have a question" I peered through the corner and watched.

He looked up and saw Marinette pointing at the photo, "Why are my parents here?". He looked, shocked. "Well I guess it's time."

"Time for what?" We both said in unison.

The Princesses MonsterWhere stories live. Discover now