Into The Night

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Into The Night

I wasn't thrilled or even completely on board with Bella and her decision to spend all of Saturday at La Push with a bunch of werewolves running around. Werewolf cubs at that. However, I refused to be that girl and had agreed that if she wanted to go, I wouldn't mind at all. I had even gone so far as to agree to drive her to the borderline.

Bella had fallen asleep almost an hour ago so now would be the ideal time to leave and take care of a small task I had to take care of. Since her meeting with my family, there had only been one thing on her mind and every time she decided to bring up the vampire thing, I distracted her with a long, romantic kiss. Was it wrong of me to use sex as a distraction? Well, maybe just a little wrong but I didn't want to entertain the thought of ending Bella's life.

Sighing, I placed a long lingering kiss on her forehead before slipping out of her grasp. I really shouldn't of been more than an hour tops but it was still an hour away from my Bella. Sliding her window open, I jumped out and onto the tree before shimming down it and breaking down to the ground. I ran as a blur through the forest till I got to the stop I was told to be at. I sensed Edward walking from the dark before I actually knew where he was.

"Well?" I questioned sharply. He didn't deserve my tone, I was just uneasy with the new situation.

"Somewhere near the Canadian border. We ran into some trouble though. And I expect that trouble will be here now." He told me. I watched as Jaclyn ran from another spot in the forest, followed by Rose and Emmett. Why were Rosalie and Emmett here though? It was just suppose to be Jaclyn and Edward out tracking this new scent.

"What happened?" I asked growing more and more uneasy, mainly because at this current moment, Bella was left unprotected. I could feel Jaclyn step to me and try to ease my feelings and once I felt Rose take my hand, I did ease up slightly.

The smell hit my suddenly though and I wanted to dry heave. The disgusting smell of dog. What the hell were they doing though? I shot a look at Edward and he just raised his hand, cautioning me to remain calm. My patience was growing rather thin fast. My eyes hit the invisible line that I knew my siblings were trained on. The dogs were coming through the forest and would change before they hit the line, that much I knew without my vision. I heard the thunder of paws stop and change to footsteps. Edward and Emmett stepped in front of us, teeth clenched as if they were preparing for a fight. I had to wonder where Carlisle was though. These were often the types of messes he tried to keep us out of.

"What do you want Sam Uley?" Edward questioned focusing in on the largest of the group. I, however, was focused on Jacob Black. He held a rather stern scowl on his face as he glared at me. I knew that he and I were in our death glare stare off for much different reasons than the rest of them. I knew Jacob liked Bella, my Bella and if he ever attempted anything, I'd probably rip his head right off.

"You should of informed us if there were more vampires coming to these lands. It is the duty of the pack to protect La Push and Forks." He barked at Edward. I scoffed and stepped forward, only to be tugged back by Rose. How well they knew me, I probably would have lost my temper there.

"We were unaware of any other vampires coming." Edward said, still trying to maintain the peace obviously. It was strange; I should have been able to see anyone who was coming, especially vampires.

"Well how are they?" Sam responded his tone still sharp and judgment. Silly dogs, when would they learn that we weren't actually the enemy compared to some?

"We don't know thanks to your pack of pups." Rose shot out at him. I had to smile a little bit at that and gave her a look of approval.

"Look," Edward said holding up both his hands to Sam and Rose. He was getting impatient, as was I, "These vampires are most likely nomad which means they won't be hunting near Forks. However, if it is any of the vampires' kings or queens, than perhaps there is reason for you to worry."

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