Please stop for me. (Kenny x suicidal! reader.)

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(Y/N) POV.

   I was in class sitting next to Stan as he talked to my brother Kyle. I know what you're think 'oh my god another ginger, that's a Jew!'  Yes that is me. Cartman doesn't pick on me as much as he does Kyle.

   "(Y/N)!" Kenny cheered walking over to me. He pulled down his hood and high fived me. Stan looked over and went back to talking with Kyle.

   "How have you been dude?" I asked fixing my beanie.

    "Same old shit. Different day." Kenny said sitting on my desk. I laughed and pushed him slightly. Kyle looked over and waved at us. The teacher walked in and everyone went to their seats. {I don't know any of the teachers or parents names beside Randy T-T. Just fuck my life dude.}

   A note hit the back of my head. I looked around and noticed no one was giggling or smirking. I opened the note and almost started crying. It said:

Dear (Y/N),                                                         
I have a favor, could you nicely just kill yourself? I would appreciate it if you did. Actually you would be doing everyone a favor not just me. Kyle might act like he cares but he don't.  He is just playing you. Hope you have fun dying. Bye bye~

    I riped up the note, and silently wipped away my tears. I shot my hand up to get the teacher.

   "May I use the restroom?" I asked.

    "Don't take long." With that I shot up and sprinted out the room. Stan looked up and shrugged. I ran into the last stall of the bathroom and locked the door. I started sobbing. I pulled out my razor and pushed my sleeves up.


   I brought the cool metal down and sliced my wrist. I did it for every note I got. For every name I got called. For how many times I was told kill myself.  For how many times I have been laughed at. For how many times I have been hit, kicked, and pushed.

    My arms were covered in cuts. Fresh ones. Ones just now healing. Old ones. Burns even. I always bring a thing of bandages with me to school. I wrapped up both of my arms and put my jacket on.


    I unlocked the door and splashed cold water on my face. I walkled out the bathroom and back to class.  Once I was sitting bak down a note was pasted to me.

    K: Are you okay?
M: Yeah, why?
K: You look upset.
M: I'm fine.

   I pasted the note back with tears sliding down my checks. The bell rang and I ran out of class. I grabbed my bag and ran out the doors, since I had just finished my last class. Kenny ran after me. He is alway there when I need him. I ran to Starks Pond and clasped onto my knees. I started crying my eyes out. Kyle will never understand.  Kenny ran over and wrapped his arms around me.

   "Shhh. Shhhh. It's okay. Tell me what's wrong." He said rubbing my back.

    "I got another note telling me to kill myself. So I ran to the bathroom a-and....." I trailed off not knowing what to say. Kenny doesn't know that I cut. What will he think? Will he hate me? Will he help me? My mind was bussing with questions.

     "And what?" He asked pulling away.  I pulled off my jacket and started crying harder. Kenny pulled off the bandages and hugged me. I felt tears hitting my shoulder.

    "Pleae stop for me, okay? I promise I will help you through this. JUST DON'T DO IT AGAIN DAMN IT!" Kenny yelled hugging me close. I sniffled and pulled away. I put on my jacket and stand up.

   "Kyle is probably worried about me. I should get home." I said helping Kenny up.

   "Okay. If you need any thing and I mean ANYTHING give me a call, alright?" He asked once we were at my door.

    "Okay. I'll call if I need any thing." I said hugging Kenny one last time before going in. Kyle ran up and hugged me.

   "Where were you? I was worried!" He said shaking my shoulders slightly.

   "Hanging out with Kenny." I said pushing him away and walking up stairs. I opened my door and locked it. I grabbed a long sleeve shirt and shorts. My legs have scars all over them and Kyle thinks that I stopped, but I haven't.  I pulled off my jacket and shirt and started cleaning the cuts. Once they were cleaned and wrapped back up I pulled on my shirt. There was a knock on my door.

   "Can I come in?" Kyle asked. I pulled on my shorts and opened the door. After unlocking it, duh.

   "Are you sure you're fine?" He asked.

    "Yes I'm fine." I said as Ike walked in the room. He ran over and hugged me then ran back out. He is a strange kid.

    "Alright just get some sleep. You look tired." Kyle said walking out and closing the door. I got a text. I wounder who it's from.

Ken: Hey are u ok?
Meh: Yea, I'm fine.
Ken: You better be or I swear to god (Y/N)!
Meh: I'm fine for real. I'm just tired.
Ken: Oh, ok. Sweet dreams cutie ;)
Meh: Night Ken.

   For a pervert he sure does care about my well being. I guess that's why I fell in love with him.

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