You don't understand. (Stan's group x abused! reader.) pt.2

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(Y/N) POV.

   I think I should text Cartman. He might take me in for the night. Or two, it depends on how I ask him. I am his best friend after all, well besides Kenny. I grabbed my phone and texted Cartman.

Fabmeh: Hey Cartman, could I stay the night?
Fatboi: I guess you could, but why do u wanna?
Fabmeh: Parents. Just parents.
Fatboi: Happened again didn't it?
Fabmeh: Yep. And it ends tonight.
Fatboi: U can stay as long as you need.
Fabmeh: Thank you so much!
Fatboi: You're welcome.

   I cheered but silently. I knew that if mom or dad heared I would be in deep shit. I grabbed my book bag and my duffel bag. Once I had both on the bed, I walked over to my closest.  I grabbed hoodies, pants, and shirts. I neatly folded them and put them in my bag. I still had room left, so I walked over to my dresser.

      I grabbed undergarments, pajamas, beanies, socks , and tanktops . Once I had all my clothes in my bag, I walked into the bathroom. I grabbed my toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, and bodywash. Once I had all that in my bag, I zipped it up. I grabbed my charger and put it in my bookbag.


    I waited till my parents were out cold from drinking to much. I grabbed my bags and quietly walked out the door. Once the door was closed, I walked down the street towards Cartman's house. I knocked on the door and wait. The door opened and there stood Cartman.

  "Hey (Y/N), what took you so long?" He asked.

  "Had to wait for my parents to fall asleep." I said shrugging.

  "Okay. Come on in." Cartman said steeping to the side. I walked in and looked around. I haven't been here in such a long time. Cartman smiled at me and sat down.

   "Uhm.....Cartman, where do I sleep?" I asked

   "You can have my bed. I'll sleep on the couch." He said reclining.

   "No, it's your bed."

   "Yes, I know that. But I want you to sleep there."





   "Yes. Damn it!"

  Cartman chuckled and pulled me up stairs. He opened a door and pushed me inside. I looked around and smiled. I set my bags on the floor and hugged Cartman.

  "Cartman I-" I tried to say.

   "Call me Eric." He said sweetly.

   "Eric, I can't thank you enough for letting me stay here." I said hugging him tightly. Once we pulled away, Eric walked out the room and closed the door. I changed and sat on the bed. He walked back in and grabbed a pillow and a extra blanket out of the closet.

   "If you need anything you know where I am." Eric said walking out the room and closing the door. I walked over to my bag and grabbed my charger. I plugged up my phone and set it down on the table. I pulled back the overs and laid down. I pulled up the covers and went to sleep.


   "Wake up. Bitch wake up." Cartman said shaking me roughly. I shot up, and accidentally hit he in the face.

   "I am so sorry." I said covering my mouth.

   "It's fine, but watch it next time bitch!" He said rubbing his cheek. He grabbed his clothes and walked out the room. I guess he went to the bathroom. I grabbed a tanktop, pants, socks, and a hoodie. I changed, put on deodorant, and  grabbed my hair brush. I pulled my hair up and smiled slightly. I pulled on my hoodie and waited for Cartman to walk out back into the room. A few seconds later he walked in.

   "Can you show me where the bathroom is?" I asked. Cartman walked out the room with me following. It was right cross the hall. I walked in and brushed my teeth. Once done I walked back into his room, put up my tooth brush, and grabbed my bag.

   "When do we leave?" I asked while putting on my shoes. We walked down to the living room.

   "In a few minutes." Cartman said sitting on the couch. A few minutes later we left the house. When we got to the bus stop everyone was already there.

   "Since when do you walk with fatass?" Kyle asked.

    "Since I'm staying at his house." I said rolling my eyes.

    "Why are you staying at his place?" Stan asked.

    "My parents." Was all I could say.

    "What about them?" Kye asked.

     "You wouldn't understand." I said looking down. Kenny put a hand on my shoulder. He knows what it is like.

    "But why are you at Cartman's house of all places?" Stan asked.

    "Because I knew he would let me stay." I said looking up with tears in my eyes.

   "We all understand. We see the bruises, scratches, and cuts. We see how your parents treat you when you get home. You think we don't but we do." Stan said walking over and hugging me. The others joined the hug. I smiled.

"Yeah. We all see it (Y/N)." Kyle said.

  "Please let us help you anyway possible." Kenny said.

   "Are you alright with that?" Cartman asked. They all pulled away and smiled at me.

   "Yes. I will let you all help." I said whipping my tears away. I guess they do care after all.


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