16 "The crazy adventures of Ed and El"

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5 march 2017 (Age: 18)

'So you guys spent the whole date kissing and arguing? And then after 2 hours he dropped you off home... and you both are dating but aren't serious... and dislike each other?...'


Serene and I are in a local cafe and here I'm telling her about my date with Jesus. To be honest she seems
So confused at the moment.

'Okay... well that was fast.'

And then Serene burst out laughing. Why is she laughing? Have I suddenly become funny? Oh god...

'Oh my gosh, I'm so proud of you! I swear I thought that you were going to mess this up and end up crying again.'

'Well that's mean! I don't cry all the time!'

'Darling you do.'


'But I love you.'

'Awe I love you too.'

'Can both of you stop?'

I looked at Edward and smiled. He looked cute like always. He was wearing a black shirt and jeans with black Nikes. I noticed something. His hair had grown a bit long but not too long. The sides of his head were shaved but not completely and the hair in the front was 3 inches long. He gelled it nicely but he dyed his hair silver!?

'Edward! Hey. WOAH!'

'Hi Ed...'

'Hello Serene and El.'

'Your hair... Damn you look hot!'

'I'll agree with Serene, you look different and nice!'

He looked a bit nervous.

'Do you like it El?'

'Like it? No. Love it? Yes!'

He smiled.

'Thank you girls.'

'Serene, Do you mind if I borrow El today? I plan to spend a day with her.'

'No I don't! I'm suppose to go to a party with my parents today. Go enjoy guys!'

Edward is taking me out? That's exciting!

'Come on El let's go.'

He reached out his hand for me and I grabbed it. He then pulled out of my chair.

We both waved Serene good bye and she smiled and waved back.

*** *** ***

Edward and I were sitting in his car while he was driving. He had this silly smile on his face as he drove.

'So where are we going?'

'Well I realized that we haven't been spending a lot of time together besides these three months have been tough. Serene has to tutor the freshman and you and I are always helping the teachers because we're prefects and the head girl and head boy. So I thought that why don't I spend a free day with you. We're going to a graffiti park first and then as we go on I'll tell you where we'll be going next.'

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