22 "She knows"

81 3 17

12 September 2016 (Age: 17)

Layla ran out of the cafeteria after she broke up with me. She knows that I cheated on her...

My heart was beating really fast when I saw her cry. I wanted to cry to, that was the moment I realized that I've truly fucked up this time.

Bailey was still crying and everyone was staring at us. I grabbed Baileys hand and walked out of the cafeteria. She didn't say anything and walked along.

I couldn't get Layla's face out of mind.

It's really over. She's gone... I've hurt her. Once we were out of the cafeteria I stared at Bailey.

I was mad at her but then I realized that it's not just her fault, it's mine too. I wanted this and now I have to suffer the consequences. I have to make a decision now.

I can either go after Laila and ask for forgiveness or I can stay with Bailey and pursue a relationship with her.

I feel guilty and my everything feels wrong.

Do I love Bailey?

I-I think I do.

Do I love Layla?

I don't think so, because if I did I would've run after her. I wouldn't have cheated on her. I'm the one at fault here...

Bailey wiped her tears and looked at me and smiled.

'This is what we wanted. She's out of our lives now. I love you Leo.'

Is this what I really wanted?

'Yeah... I guess so.'

She seemed disappointed and spoke again.

'I really love you Leo. I always have.'

Do I love her?...

'I love you too.'

Bailey then smiled and hugged me.

'I can't believe you're finally my boyfriend.'


I hugged her back.

Layla. I wonder if she's okay...

'What about her?'

She pulled away from me and gave me an incredulous look.

'Why do you care. She's out of our lives. We don't have to worry about how she is or where she is. She is a nobody.'

But I care... I don't know why but I do. I don't want her to cry.

I saw Edward. He was standing by the wall side and staring at me.

'I'll be back. You should go to class.'

Bailey nodded and walked away.

I walked towards Edward. I noticed that he was wearing a new pair of spectacles.

'I saw what happened.' He spoke with bitterness.

I didn't say anything. What was I suppose to say?

'It's good to know that she finally realized that she's in love with a cheating bastard.'

I was upset. Hell no, I'm furious. I wanted to punch him again but I didn't because he's right. He always is. I just remained silent.

I lost Layla and I've lost my best friend...

'I don't know what to do...'

He sighed.

'I can't help you. You're on your own now.'

'I should've listened to you.'

'But you didn't. I saw Layla cry behind one of the trees outside the school grounds. She needs someone to help her. You've hurt her really bad.'

'I know I have.'

'You once accused me of liking Layla. I really thought about it and came up with a conclusion. I want to protect her and I want her to be happy. She deserves someone who'll appreciate her and love her. Someone who'll appreciate her. I don't know what I feel for her but the thing that I do know is that I want her to be happy.'

My eyes widened.

H-he's in love with her!

That was it. I snapped at him.

I grabbed him and punched him in his stomach.

'Fucking betrayer! Layla is mine!'

He grabbed my fist and punched me on my face and then punched my stomach.

Ugh. That hurt!

I knelt on the ground and so did he. We were both wincing in pain.

'She's not yours. At least, not anymore. You've always wanted her but you've never wanted her heart. You can claim her mind or her body but you'll never be able to claim her heart.'

'Her heart is already mine.'

'Not for long...'

'What is that suppose to mean?'

He stood up and helped me get up too. He dusted his clothes and fixed his hair and glasses.

'You've always been a brother to me. Leo, this is the end of our friendship. Stay away from Layla, you've already caused enough damage. I don't want to fight you.'

With that being said he walked away without looking back.

I don't understand him...

*** *** ***

It's night time and I'm in a park, laying on the ground and staring at the stars. Layla and I would often meet up here and lay down, cuddle and star gaze together.

Today I'm alone and Layla isn't by my side. I grabbed my phone and checked if Layla texted or called me but instead I found Baileys texts. I ignored them. I wanted to call Layla and apologize but I didn't have the courage to. I went through my Instagram account and noticed that Layla unfollowed me and removed all pictures of us.

It really is over...

I've really lost the girl I've always wanted...

I've lost the girl who was my first love...

A few tears fell down my face. My heart aches.

'I'm sorry Layla...'

I finally know what a heartbreak feels like.

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