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It has been so many years since we (the Indian subcontinent) attained independence. So many years since a lot of things have changed. We've reached the moon, we've reached Mars. We've dug deep down the surface of the earth, discovered and invented a lot of new things. Made nuclear weapons, conquered so many things.

So many changes but the only thing that remains the same as always even after a number of years is - the hate between India and Pakistan!

I'm not joking guys. This is a serious issue over here. Do you remember the way even you (Indians and Pakistanis) people fought after World Cup finals on wattpad? Yes, you did! Why do you have to hate people just because they live on the other side of the border? Don't you think that makes no sense at all? Even a mad person won't do it. Then why do you?

I agree there was mass massacre, mass rape, people were butchered, families were broken, friends were separated but there is no point in always referring to the past when you can very well change the future into something better.

Stop this hate.

Both sides suffered. Both sides bled. Both sides were butchered but why can't you think of a happy future ahead?

We share so many similar things - our taste in food, our culture, our traditions, our language and even a border! Why then think harshly about the other? Blame each other for something our ancestors did? Does hating anyone for what someone else did make sense to you? Because for me it doesn't.

My 'bestest' friend hails from Pakistan and even though I'm an Indian I still love her! In fact, I haven't even met any other friend who loves me as much as she does. When I can let the border not matter, when she can let the border not matter, then why can't you? Please don't let the politicians divide you! Do understand that they are doing it for their own benefit.

We all are one. Do remember - we even share the struggles we went through!

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