Chapter 13

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This chapter is quite violent.

Yoongi's pov: Furious, you throw your phone. No one had been able to contact her. You sent Namjoon to her apartment. Hearing him return, you meet the others in the living room. She's gone., Namjoon tells you. She ran off, I knew it., Jungkook smirks. No., Namjoon says, I found this. He hands you a piece of paper, The War is all it reads. Angry, you crumble the paper, Exo took her! Every member jumps to attention knowing the severity of the situation. We have to get her., you tell them. We will need to call in MonstaX., Jin says. You agree, that way you outnumber them. I know two other people for backup., Namjoon tells you, Jackson and Bambam, two members atarting thier own gang to tie in with BTS. Call them. We leave in two hours., you tell them.

Your pov: You're so thirsty, feeling weak. kai walks to you, carrying a bottle of water, standing in front of you, he drinks it all, smirking after he's finished. Reaching down, he plays with your hair, My flower., he says. You jerk away in disgust and he just laughs. Jumping, you hear a bang, then gunshots firing, Kai turns, other members drawing weapons. Chen and Kris walk in, guns held to their heads by Yoongi and Jimin, Exo members slightly lower weapons. All I want is for you to let her go., Yoongi explains. We knew she was one of yours., Sehun tells him. She's not., Yoongi lies, I have no connection with her. I just want her to be released, she was accidently dragged into this. He made a mistake., Yoongi gestures to Kai. Kai smirks, I've had plenty of fun with her. Yoongi looks at him with hatred. You're a liar., you speak up, Kai only threatned, he never forced you, he was trying to throw Yoongi off. Hearing more shots, V, J-Hope, and Jin are forced into the room by people that worked for Exo, V was bleeding, a shot to his shoulder. At the noise, Chen and Kris take the guns from Yoongi and Jimin. Kai grabs Yoongi, If she's nothing to you, prove it. Beat her like you beat your last girlfriend, then I'll let her go. You didn't know Yoongi was abusive, you stay silent. Yoongi doesn't move. Do it, or I kill her., Kai puts a gun to your head. Yoongi panics, he doesn't want to do this but the only way to protect you is to hurt you. Sighing, Fine., he says. Your eyes go wide, you don't want him to hurt you, your eyes beg him as tears fall. Kai keeps an aim at both of you, everyone is tense. I'm so sorry., Yoongi tells you. He raises a hand, making a fist, he strikes you. It hurts, sending pain through your face, you turn back to Yoongi, wanting him to stop. Again!, Kai demands. Again, Yoongi hits you, your cheek bruising, mouth bloody, you can't take much more. Enough., Kai finally says, you lost count of how many times he made Yoongi hit you. Your head swimmy, you look up at Yoongi, he is in agony, his fist bloody, horrified at what he was forced to do. Kai unties you, you fall from the chair to the floor, Yoongi crouches down to help you.  Don't touch me., you whisper at him, hurt, confused, and angry at all of this. Kai laughs, I guess your whore is done with you. Before Yoongi can hit him, shots fire, chaos breaks loose.

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