Chapter 18

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Going against Yoongi's wishes, you want to watch the interrogation. Chen is slowly waking up, they weren't kidding when they said V was an expert at mixing potent drugs. Chen lifts his head, Jimin throwing a bucket of ice water on him, Chen flinching as Jimin throws the bucket. Immediately, Yoongi punches Chen. You flinch, Jungkook leans down to your ear, Remember what they did to you, this is necessary. You nod, you know he's right. The old slaughter house, that's your other hideout?, Yoongi asks. Chen doesn't reply. It's Jimin's turn. He grabs Chen by his hair, balls his fist, hitting him over and over again until he's bloody. Finally letting go, Chen slumps, spitting blood. Getting more ice water, Jimin throws it on him. V steps up, You know, I was shot in the shoulder, it hurt., he tells him, pulling out a knife. He plunges it deep into Chen's shoulder, he lets out a scream of pain. V twists the knife before pulling it out. Gasping, Chen finally breaks, Okay, okay, fine. That's our hideout. Yoongi smirks, barely any torture and you beark. Exo is weak. Yoongi turns, Jungkook, dispose of the garbage. Stepping up, Jungkook drags chair and all away. You don't want to hear it, you leave before you can hear the fatal shot.

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