Chapter 19

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Tomorrow you were going to return to work, praying to keep your job and convince them to go after Kai. Every one left early this morning, they've left you here alone before. Stepping from the shower, you dry off, slipping on one of Yoongi's oversized shirts, making your way to the kitchen. Opening a cubbord, someone grabs you, making you face them. It was Kai. Remember when I said fucking you would be arranged?, he smirks. Gasping, you sit up, it was a dream. Putting your face in your hands, you will be happy when BTS returns. Hearing the door slam, someone isn't happy. You go to the living room, Jungkook and Yoongi are back. What's wrong?, you ask. Yoongi holds up a piece of paper, Wings was hacked, over half of their profits stolen. The War was written on the paper. Jungkook slams his fist, I have put my blood, sweat, and tears into that company. I'm going to kill them like I killed Chen. Jimin comes in, he's not happy either, he holds up a piece of paper, Serendipity was attracted too. Yoongi's phone rings, he answers, a smile on his face as he listens. Hanging up, he looks to you and the others, That was Namjoon. The stolen money was transfered into the New hotel in the city. Tao is Exo's hacker but he's not as good as Namjoon. We're calling in Bambam after we get our money and theirs back. You know what that means, you are determined to help no matter what.

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