To Blind To See That You Mean Everything To Me (Muke onshot)

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Luke Hemmings didn't mean to fall for one of his band mates/ best just happened. It wasn't his fault that he fell for the tall, green eyed and blonde haired 18 year old...he couldn't stop it no matter how hard he tried. Even when they were back in high school and Luke "hated" him...he still couldn't help but like him. Have you guessed who it is yet? That's right, it's the one and only Michael Clifford. Everything about the older male made Luke crave him more and more each day that passed.

After the 5 Seconds of Summer show in London, Ashton suggested that they all went to the night club that was close to the venue they just played at. Michael and Calum agreed with the older band mate while Luke chewed on his lip ring thoughtfully. Going to a night club with the boys would mean for him to watch a drunk Micheal pull a random for the night and watch as he took her home and then have to listen to them all night, since Michael and him always share a hotel room. Luke really didn't know how much more of that he can actually take before he finally crack. He was so sick of seeing the older with other people and not with him! 

"Luke are you even listening mate?" Calum asked while he shook Luke's shoulder gently, bring the younger of the band out of his thoughts.

"huh? what...sorry I wasn't listening.." The blonde muttered, causing the rest of the band to stare at him wierdly.

"Are you okay Luke?" you've been acting a bit off today." Ashton said worried. Luke gave him a funny look. had he really been acting that weird today.

"I'm fine Ash, really I what was you guys talking about?" Luke asked as he fixed his hair.

"Well we was asking you if you was coming to the night club with us tonight or not." Michael said as he began to put on his Leather jacket and made his hair a bit more messier then before. Luke was finding it hard to take his eyes of the older male.

"I-I'm....I'm gonna skip it tonight actually guys...I'm tierd and i think i might be coming down with something..." Luke lied, he felt fine, he just couldn't face another night with Micheal and some random one night stand.

"You sure...?" Calum asked concerned. I gave a weak smile before nodding my head.

" guys go have fun..i'll see you in the morning okay?" Luke said. Before Luke was about to leave Michael spoke up. 

"I'm gonna go with Luke.." he replied, shocking Luke, Calum and Ashton. "If Luke is sick someone should stay with him right. come on lets go.." Michael then gently took hold of Luke's arm and they for a taxi back to their hotel.

Once they got back to their room, both boys were quiet. Luke didn't know if it was good quiet or bad quiet. Just before Luke was about to say some thing, Michael had Luke pinned against the wall and his mouth on his. Luke was taken back by the kiss but it wasn't long until he was kissing back. The kiss was full of want and need and it was driving Luke mad. Michael started to move his mouth down the youngers boys jaw to his neck. Luke could feel the goosebumps forming on his skin as Mike began to leave hickeys all over his neck, causing Luke to let out small moan.

"M-mike...what are you doing?" Luke stuttered out, confused and amazed with the whole thing that's happening right now.

"I can't keep going what i'm doing Luke. Acting like I don't have the feeling that I do for you and acting like I enjoy fucking other girls when really the only person I want to be fucking is you.." Micheal whispered huskily into the blue eyed boy's ear, causing the younger to let out a husky breath. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Micheal liked him back. Michael fucking Clifford felt the same.

Luke quickly pulled Michael into a lip bruising kiss, causing Micheal to moan slightly. The older boy wasted no time to wrap the younger male's long legs around his waist and carried him to the nearest bedroom (Which is Michael's), without breaking the kiss. 

To Blind To See That You Mean Everything To Me (Muke one shot)Where stories live. Discover now