A New Face

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When Hakyeon arrived at his cafe first thing in the morning, he was surprised to find a figure standing in front of the closed door.

"Uh, can I help you?" he asked.

The figure turned to him. "Oh, hello," he cheerfully said. "When will this cafe open?" 

"Not for a few hours, at least," Hakyeon offered.

"Oh, I just wanted to speak to the owner," the figure said. "Are you by any chance the owner?"

Hakyeon nodded. "Yeah, I am."

The guy seemed happy. "Great!"

Hakyeon stepped forward, pulling out his keys and unlocking the door. "So what can I help you with?" he asked. "We don't actually have any vacancies available-"

"I know you're a demigod," the stranger cut him off.

He froze in the process of pushing the door handle down. "Wha-?"

"I know that you're a son of Zelos, and that your roommate is a son of Zeus, and that you employ a son of Hermes here."

Who the hell was this guy?

"Who are you and how do you know so much?" he carefully asked.

He laughed. "Relax, relax, you don't need to be so suspicious," he assured, putting his hands up. "I'm a demigod, just like you!"

"Shh," Hakyeon hissed. "Might as well shout it to the world."

He quickly looked around. Since it was still very early and the sun hadn't completely risen yet (the sky was still dyed in purple hues), the street was virtually empty. The only other people apart from them were a few lone morning walkers and cyclists, none of whom gave any indication they'd heard their conversation. 

For a moment, he cast his eyes towards the newcomer. He looked about his age, maybe a couple of years younger. He was tall, with sharp features, a big nose and a wide toothy smile. He had hair that was dyed brown and fell over his forehead. He seemed to literally be jumping on his toes out of excitement.

Hakyeon pushed open the door. "Come inside," he told him. "We'll talk about this in more detail."

He led the younger inside. "By the way," he said as a thought struck him, "what's your name? I'm Cha Hakyeon."

"Oh, I think I forgot to introduce myself. I'm sorry," he said, holding out his hand.

"My name is Lee Jaehwan, and I'm a son of Zeus."


"So, how did you know who I was?" Hakyeon questioned, leaning against the bar with his arms folded across his chest. "Don't tell me-?"

Jaehwan quickly shook his head. "It's not what you think," he assured. "I'm a Teacher's Aid over at Dongguk University."

Dongguk University? Hakyeon thought. That's where Hongbin and Sanghyuk study...

Jaehwan seemed to read his mind. "Yeah, I'm assigned to Han Sanghyuk's class. That's how I got to know him. Through him, I also got to meet Lee Hongbin. They told me about you, and how you'd taken them both in when they were at their lowest."

Hakyeon chuckled. "Well, I wouldn't say that," he said, rubbing the back of his head. "Hongbin was just a bit lost and out on the streets, so I offered him to room with me. Thought it would also help the rent a bit, not like he pays any," he grumbled towards the end. "Sanghyuk, on the other hand, just needed a job that wouldn't take away too much of his time, and I had a vacancy, so..."

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