3) protective I am Wildcat

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(A/N): there will no more POV since it was getting boring.
It was the next day, Ty wakes up walks down before looking seeing that he is still in the clothes that Evan give to him to wear. He looks at the clothes that they give to him and he smiles for the very first time to finally see that someone actually cared about him. I grabbed the one that looks like Del's clothes

Everyone looks at Ty with a blush but del just smirks at him

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Everyone looks at Ty with a blush but del just smirks at him. Ty looks up to Tyler asking him can go on a walk and he nodded his head  soon they walked out of the house to the park. Ty has a very beautiful smile on his face that make Tyler smile. They didn't know a someone that looks Moo walks up to them slightly before grabbing Ty making him jumped surprise and fight against Moo but couldn't since 2p Moo is strong as hell. Out of nowhere Tyler punished 2p Moo in the face that they see blood coming out the side of his mouth. Tyler picks up Ty started running to the base before the Moo look alike gets off the ground. Both Ty and Tyler told everyone what happened at the park what shocked them when Ty told them that the guy that grabbed him was from his old gang and this made them smile knowing Ty wants to be apart of their gang.

Broken but now I'm repairedWhere stories live. Discover now