7) kidnap

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Del and Ty made it to the place where the date will be at. They took a sit as both Del and Ty order glass of red wine and stake. When the food got to them they thanked the waitress and started to eat their stake and drink their wine. Ty looks up to Del told him that he needs to use the restroom and Del nods at him understanding. As soon Ty entered the restroom someone grabbed him from behind putting a hand as Ty screamed for Del but it was muffled. Del was almost closed the bathroom and his back is turned as he heard his name being muffled. Being Ty's boyfriend he run into the restroom to se his old gang kidnapping him putting him in the back of the van before speeding off. Jonathan screamed and cursed while crying and immediately payed for the food and drive back angry as his pupil turn red from the anger he is feeling.

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