Chapter 1: Big mistake

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Apollo strolled through Olympus, struggling to get rid of the tank load of men and women who were trying to get his attention. Well, when you're a gorgeous and powerful god... He thought.

Apollo tended to be a...tease for a lot of people....or gods. Being the patron god of archery, he was strict about the sport. He only gave certain people the skills to wield a bow.

Finally, he got rid of his devout followers or so he liked to call them.

Apollo trotted along a path leading to the fields of archery. He managed to convince Zeus a couple of centuries ago to have one built. The old archery fields were so out of date. "Well c'mon!" Apollo said aloud. "It's the 14th century, it needed a change. We are after all, in the modern times." 

A voice from somewhere in front of him called out, "Apollo! Fancy seeing you here!" The voice, sounded high pitched and childish to Apollo. The tiny figure of a boy flew in front of him. Apollo recognized the child as Eros. Aphrodite's son with Ares.

Apollo inspected the boy who was christened by Zeus to be the God of Love. He had a mop of blonde hair on his head and kaleidoscope eyes. He took after his mothers eyes and fathers tanned skin. Amazing really. Apollo's eyes stopped short on Eros hand. Eros held a bow that was the color of ebony rimmed with gold. On his back was a quiver filled with two types of arrows. Some arrows were tipped with white dove feathers while some were tipped with brown owl feathers.

Apollo's golden eyes widened. What was a six year old doing with dangerous weapons?! This was a disgrace. How could he, the God of archery watch a six year old, fly on white wings holding a bow and a quiver filled to the brim with dangerous arrows?!

Apollo cleared his throat. "Why are you playing with those?" He asked, gesturing to the weapons that Eros was holding. Eros eyes narrowed in confusion and a little bit of anger. "Why not?" He asked, as he tightened his hold on the bow.

"Because," Apollo inspected his nails casually. "You are too young to be playing around with them. And besides," he put his hand behind his back, using the other hand to scratch the back of his head. "Only people who are old enough and have enough training with the bow are allowed to use them."

Eros eyes narrowed into slits. Apollo would have found that adorable but the look that Eros was giving him was very deadly. "You need to learn some respect Apollo!"Eros huffed, flying away. Apollo shook his head, making his blonde curls shake.

He couldn't shake the thought that something big was about to happen. Something very big. He shrugged the  thought away and busied himself by training. A sun god didn't need to practice for anything but Apollo did it for fun.


Apollo parked the chariot on the ground somewhere near Mount Olympus. He decided to stop by the river Peneus. He smiled and placed a hand on his hip, making sure to get a good view of the place. 

"Excuse me, but. Who exactly are you? And what are you doing outside my river?" A soft yet fierce voice called out from behind Apollo. Apollo turned, curious as to who the beautiful voice belonged to and also to why the owner of that beautiful voice.

Apollo's mouth formed an 'O' as his eyes scanned the beautiful creature that lay before him. "A-Apollo." He stuttered. He didn't normally stutter but this girl before him made him want to melt into a puddle of Godly essence. She had long and curly red hair along with a wondrous set of exquisite silver eyes. She was tall and had slightly tanned skin.

Her eyes widened and she cocked her head to the side. "I expect you want me to bow and cower in your radiance?" He shook his head, still shaken by her beauty.

"Might I ask. Who are you?" He leaned against a tree in order to look...good.

She gave him a look of distaste. "Who I am does not concern you Apollo." She turned and walked toward the River Peneus. "You should leave now."

She then erupted into a puddle of water and disappeared into the river.

"I think I'm in love."

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