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Rainbow dash was not a morning person. She hated getting up early in the morning she would rather stay in bed all day but she had to go to school which is hell. (I think school is like prison. Yeah😅) so rainbow dash got up and got herself ready for boring old school though she couldn't wait to see her friends especially pinkie pie. You see rainbow dash has a crush on pinkie pie. For a while now. She couldn't tell anyone so she kept it to herself. A secret more like. "Well today is a new day of boredom. Same old day" dash said whilst walking. She couldn't stop thinking about pinkie pie. She was funny, hyper in a good way, fun, bubbly who wouldn't like pinkie pie?  (Pinkie pie is one of my favourite mlp characters) everyone loves pinkie but rainbow dash loves her even more. "How can you how I feel pinkie" "tell me what dashie?" Suddenly rainbow dash stopped and looked at pinkie pie who was standing in front her smiling. Rainbow dash couldn't help but blush as her friend who was always beautiful as ever each day. "Oh....errrrrrr....nothing nothing" "oh okay" pinkie said skipping but rainbow dash couldn't help but smile at her. The rest of the girls were waiting for rainbow dash and pinkie pie. "Hey girls what do you wanna do after school? *gasp* how about a sleepover?" Pinkie pie was really excited about this. "Ah don't mind you can count me in" "I will darling but it depends if I'm busy or not so I'll tell you" "Fluttershy what about you?" Fluttershy didn't really mind she just loves to be with her friends. "I'll join you as long as it's not scary" Fluttershy was a kind girl she didn't like scary things. Sometimes she would challenge herself with things that are scary but didn't work. "I've got nothing to do so I'm in" "dashie what about you?" Rainbow dash couldn't help but blush a little not enough for pinkie to notice though but the other girls did. "Oh errrrrrr y-yeah sure I'm not busy" pinkie pie was wondering why rainbow dash stuttered but she couldn't help but smile at rainbows stutter. Yes pinkie pie has a crush on rainbow dash and she to couldn't tell her how she felt cause she is afraid it will ruin their friendship. So she kept the secret to herself. "So sleepover at my house?" Everyone agreed rainbow dash nodded but didn't say nothing which made everyone a little worried "Rainbow dash we need to talk" "okay?" Rainbow dash was a little confused why twilight needed to talk to he. (How would you be if your crush was also your best friend? I would be nervous😅) "Rainbow dash what's wrong are you okay? Your fave is red" "oh errrrrrr it's nothing really" "Rainbow dash you can tell me anything" Twilight put her hand on rainbow dash's shoulder to reassure rainbow that she can tell twilight anything. "*sighs* I have a crush on pinkie pie and I don't know how to tell her" Twilight was surprised but happy at the same time for rainbow dash. "That's fine rainbow dash. It's actually cute. Together, you and pinkie remind me of skittles". Rainbow was a little wierded out by that compliment but she let it slide. "Thanks twi. What about the others?" Don't worry I'll tell them when pinkie pie isn't listening" (I couldn't think of anything so I just put that lol) "thanks twilight" then the bell rang for everybody to get to class. Rainbow dash hopes that everything will be fine. She a little worried that her other friends won't be friends with her anymore but pinkie pie is having a sleepover at her house and Rainbow dash is planning on telling her tonight. Rainbow dash is a little nervous but she's confident first she and Twilight will tell her other friends. What will their reactions be?
To be continued.......

Okay guys this is the first chapter done. Like the title skittles? Seriously rainbow dash and pinkie pie remind me of the sweets/candy skittles.

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