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Rarity:"oh my. Sorry I'm late" Rarity finally arrived and now pinkie pie can start the sleepover. Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity and Twilight were all planning on getting pinkie pie and Rainbow dash alone together and tonight was the night.
Pinkie pie:"I'll order some pizza" (PIZZAAAAAAA. I love pizza 😍) everyone nodded.
Applejack:"well Rainbow dash, are ya gonna tell her your feelings?"
Rainbow dash:"I'm planning on telling her tonight. Guys what if she doesn't feel the same way?"
Fluttershy:"who knows. Maybe she does feel the same way. maybe". Rarity and Twilight nodded their heads on agreement. Rainbow's heart was pounding rapidly. She couldn't control herself. You feel a strong feeling for someone but couldn't control because it feels like several butterflies are fluttering inside you? Well that how Rainbow dash feels for pinkie pie. Then pinkie pie came back.
Pinkie pie:"pizza will be here in a half hour until then let's play a game" everyone agreed Rainbow dash however nodded silently. The first game pinkie can think of was truth or dare (every sleepover involves truth or dare lol😅)
Twilight:"Rainbow dash truth or dare?"
Rainbow dash:"erm truth"
Twilight:"is it true you are like skittles?"
Rainbow dash:"Ha Ha Ha very funny but if I can answer correctly, NO". everyone started laughing even rainbow dash found funny so she couldn't hold on her laughter anymore.
Rarity:"Applejack truth or dare?"
Rarity:"I dare you to wear a pretty pink dress until the game is over" Applejack didn't like this. Dresses weren't her type of clothing. (Like me. I hate dresses😒) so Applejack went to put on a dress.
Applejack:"this is torture. Happy now?".
Rarity:"very". Fluttershy only picked the truth's because she didn't like dares that much, Twilight was playing a few times, Applejack hated the dress she was wearing, mostly pinkie pie and Rainbow dash were playing.
Twilight sadly had to leave because she thought Celestia called her but really she wasn't she stayed outside peaking through the window and gave a signal to the others. Their excuse was believable. Now it was only pinkie pie and Rainbow dash.
Rainbow dash:"sooooo once again it's just us two. Alone"
Pinkie pie:"yeah alone" it was slightly awkward. Then pinkie pie thought it was the right moment to tell rainbow dash her true feelings.
Both::"I need to tell you something" then they giggled. Rainbow dash blushed at pinkie pie's giggle pinkie pie noticed and she blushed as well.
Pinkie pie:"Rainbow dash, I need to tell you something that has been on my mind for a while now. For a while now we've been great friends since 3rd grade. I remember that day you stock up for me against those bullies. That day I started to develop a......crush on you. Yes Rainbow dash I love you. My feelings for you are stronger each day that passes by. When I look at you it's like time stood still". Rainbow dash was completely taken by surprise by pinkies confession. Pinkie pie waited for her response.
To be continued.........

Well. Looks like pinkie pie confessed to Rainbow dash after so long. What will Rainbow dash say to this? Find out in the next chapter. Later taters.

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