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Pinkie pie was waiting for an answer from Rainbow dash. Rainbow dash was surprised by pinkie pie's confession and yet happy at the same time literally her heart was pounding fast.
Pinkie pie:"it's okay if you just wanna be friends. I understand if you don't feel the same way as I love you" Pinkie pie started to tear and her pink poofy hair went straight.
Rainbow dash:"hey hey hey don't cry pinkie pie *wipes pinkie's tears and hugs* please don't cry. I love you to" that got pinkies attention.
Pinkie pie:"w-what? You love me?"
Rainbow dash:"well yeah. For a while I've had feelings for you. I couldn't tell you because I was scared because I was afraid that it would ruin our friendship and we're awsome friends. But I've started having a crush on you. I've told our friends and they accept me and you and that's awsome. Who wouldn't love you? Your funny, kind, sweet like sugar, bubbly if people don't love you for being you then they are idiots. I love you pinkie pie and I will never let you go". Her finished talking and pinkie pie had tears of joy. Sell this time pinkie pie thought Rainbow dash didn't love her well as matter of fact, she did. Pinkie pie and Rainbow dash hugged eachother in a warm embrace. Their friends Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity and Twilight were outside peaking through the window and they were excited and happy but rainbow dash and pinkie pie didn't notice them. (I'm dying from cuteness overload here guys. They are definitely skittles) Rainbow dash wanted to ask pinkie pie to her girlfriend.
Rainbow dash:"pinkie pie *kneels down* will you be your girlfriend?" Pinkie pie didn't hesitate she literally jumped onto rainbow dash which caused them both to fall down pinkie was on top of rainbow dash and them they stared into eachothers eyes. It was like time stood still for both of them. It was then pinkie pie leaned in forwards and rainbow dash doing the same and then they kissed slow and passionate. Pinkie pie wrapped her arms around rainbow dash and Rainbow dash did the same. Their friends were happy for them but decided to leave them alone. Pinkie pie and Rainbow dash were still kissing gently then they pulled away from eachother trying to catch their breath and leaned their foreheads on eachother.
Rainbow dash:"sooooo is that a yes?".
Pinkie pie:"nope. It's a thousand YESSSS" then they kissed again but lasted 10 seconds.
Rainbow dash:"come on we get to sleep" pinkie pie smiled and nodded in agreement and they both went to her room. They cuddled eachother and kissed eachother good night.
Rainbow dash:"goodnight princess"
Pinkie pie:"goodnight dashie" then they slept together until the next day comes.
To be continued........

Okay. I'm officially blown away by the cuteness overload. AHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm so happy😁😍

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2018 ⏰

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