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Rainbow dash had told Twilight how she felt towards pinkie pie and to be honest, Twilight took it well in fact she supports rainbow dash all the way. Twilight will help rainbow dash to get pinkie pie (in other words help rainbow dash to get pinkie pie in a caring loving way. By getting pinkie pie and Rainbow dash together alone in one room) Rainbow dash was a bit nervous telling the other nervous about what her reactions would be.
Applejack:"where have you two been? We were just about to look for you guys" Applejack was curious about what Twilight and Rainbow dash were doing.
Rainbow dash:"I have to tell you guys something and don't get mad"
Rarity:"well what is it darling?"
Fluttershy:"we won't get mad Rainbow dash we promise"
Rainbow dash: *breaths in and out* "I like girls" she was prepared for what her friends had to say except Twilight because she already knows.
Applejack:"ah don't mind if ya like girls rainbow"
Rarity:"yes darling I don't it either"
Fluttershy:"same with me. It doesn't bother me at all" they had a group hug.
Twilight:"where's pinkie pie?"
Rarity:"she's talking to her teacher about something I don't if she got detention but it seems important"
Twilight whispered to rainbow dash to tell them.
Rainbow dash:"I also have a crush on someone" the girls turned to face rainbow dash.
Rarity:"awwww that's fantastic who is it?"
Rainbow dash:"it's...... pinkie pie" Twilight was smiling at moment.
Applejack:"ah always knew you liked someone at that someone was pinkie pie. I always knew you liked her"
Rarity:"I saw the signs to that you liked her"
Fluttershy:"it's adorable" everyone had a group hug then pinkie pie joined in
Pinkie pie:"hey what were you guys talking about?" Rainbow dash couldn't help but smile and blushed at the same time her friends noticed and giggled but pinkie pie didn't notice though. Soon after the school day was over.
Meanwhile, Pinkie pie was at her house. She was thinking about rainbow dash. Yes she had a crush on her for a while the rest of her friends knew already (I think pinkiedash is cute) except rainbow dash. She was going to tell rainbow dash her feelings tonight at the sleepover though she was nervous about it. Then the door bell rang and in a flash pinkie ran to the door and opened it and there stood her crush Rainbow dash the two blushed at eachother. Looks like tonight id gonna be interesting (wink wink😉)

Well the second chapter is done and sorry I didn't do this chapter soon enough I was busy 😅. So I'll do the next chapter soon. Later taters.

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