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Pinkie pie opened revealing a beautiful rainbow haired girl rainbow dash. Pinkie has liked Rainbow dash for a while now and tonight, she is going to her how she feels with the help of her friends. She was nervous and scared that if she told rainbow dash how she felt, it would ruin their friendship but what she doesn't know is that Rainbow dash likes her as well.
Rainbow dash:"erm.... hey pinkie pie so I guess it's just us two until the others get here"
Pinkie pie:"y-yeah s-ure" Rainbow dash and pinkie pie didn't say much really so the tension in the air was pretty awkward (everytime I'm in an awkward moment, I always laugh because it's really awkward 😅)
Rainbow dash:"sooooo what do you wanna do?" How we watch a movie together until the others get here?"
Pinkie pie:"that would be great. Okay" pinkie pie and Rainbow dash were watching a random film until their other friends get here. Rainbow dash couldn't help but blush at pinkie pie. She was beautiful, sweet as sugar. Pinkie pie was doing the same thing. She was also blushing and Rainbow dash reminded her of skittles because of her rainbow hair (hence the name of the story "skittles")
pinkie pie:"Rainbow dash I need to tell you something" pinkie was gonna tell how she felt towards rainbow dash also nervous of her crushes reaction.
Rainbow dash:"sure pinkie pie. What do you wanna tell me?"
Pinkie pie: *takes a deep breath* of really really li-" just then both of them heard the door knock and realised it was their friends here for the sleepover.
Pinkie pie:"I'll tell later tonight"
Rainbow dash:"oh err okay sure" then pinkie walked off to open the door. Rainbow dash however was a little disappointed because she was also gonna tell pinkie pie her feelings to.
Applejack:"Rainbow dash. Ya'll already here?"
Rainbow dash:"hehe took you guys long enough to even get here *laughs*
Twilight:"hardy har har"
Fluttershy:"Rarity might get here late she some work on her fashion first"
Pinkie pie:"okie dokie lokie" Rainbow dash blushed Twilight and Fluttershy giggled at the sight and Applejack playfully nudged her wiggling her eyebrows then Rainbow dash playfully pushed her smiling a little. Pinkie pie however was super nervous about telling Rainbow dash how she feels. A few months ago pinkie told Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack and Twilight that she had strong feelings for Rainbow dash and obviously they excepted her. So tonight, she is going to tell Rainbow dash her feelings.
To be continued.......

Awwww how cute. I simply love pinkiedash guys 😍. Later taters.

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