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Class was over and today was Friday. Meaning tomorrow and the day after that there would be no class. Wich is a relief. I go to my locker to get my homeworks until I saw something weird. My locker was filled with papers neatly folded in a square. I was  in a rush considering today is Friday and I have to help my mom and dad manage the bakery. So I just grabbed my homeworks and the papers without paying much attention and started running to the bakery. As I speed walk I hear my classmates insulting me. As I feel more tears coming down. You might think I might be used to it by now but I'm not. I hurry inside the bakery put my stuff in my desk and start helping my mom and dad. When I finish I feel really tired. As I enter inside my room I remembered the papers my classmates put on my locker. As I open several ones I feel tears down my cheecks.These are what they say:





Go die in a hole

The last one got to me but I don't want to die. Atleast not yet. With shaky fingers I grab the last one.

Go cut yourself

Hmmmm. Maybe I will. As I go to the bathroom I hear,

"Are you okay?" Tikki said with concern shining bright in her eyes. I just nodded and went to the bathroom and closed the door with the lock on.

I entered my bathroom and saw a razor shining brightly in the sink. You must be wondering where I got that. Well in an akuma I was fighting found this and was too lazy to throw it away so I put it in the sink without really minding it much. Good thing I didn't. I heard that doing this can help you cope with stress. Hmmm interesting. Time to test that theory. I grabbed it.

Slice. For being ugly.

Slice. For being a b*tch.

Slice. For being a wh*re.

Slice. For being stupid.

Slice. For people wanting me to die.

Slice. For people wanting me to do self harm.

As I repeat all over myself I stare at the blood oozing out. I never knew this would hurt that much. But I need remember that I deserve this. For the thousandth time for today I feel tears stream down my face.

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