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a / n : 

thank you all so much for the positive feedback on this story so far!  i had a rough week and seeing your comments on this story has helped to cheer me up!

here's a character aesthetic of sadie! she's fabulous and i love her and  i'm going to have so much fun writing her interactions with colin AAAAA I'M SO EXCITED 


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Sadie looks up at Colin's outstretched hand, taking, it seems, a while to focus on the canned soda he's holding out to her. Eventually, she takes it and sniffles. "Thank you."

The sound is unfamiliar to him. Sadie doesn't sniffle. She never fucking sniffles. Colin's still trying to find his footing with this new Sadie around, half convinced that this isn't actually Sadie. Or that she's only pulling his leg and that this is some kind of elaborate prank.

After that hug they shared, something Colin can only describe as awkward and unsettling, Drew and Perry immediately bailed out on him.

Well, it wasn't that they bailed out, really. His two friends stood there watching him get—assaulted by Sadie, and when he looked to them for help, they just made these vague gestures with their hands before inching back a few steps and sprinting away before Colin could stop them.

we went ahead to jeremy's text us if u need anything :-), texted Drew.

And so Colin was left alone with Sadie Reynolds. Well, not really alone, because they were standing on a busy sidewalk with a bunch of people brushing past them. He knew it looked like a bad case of PDA, with Sadie hugging him and all and him deciding whether he should place his hands on her back or her head or her shoulder before finally settling with just letting them awkwardly hover around her. In any case, it was embarrassing.

Sadie's face was hidden from view, but his stuck out, and he flushed every time somebody caught his eyes, feeling as though they were all judging him.

"Why don't we—um—head over there?" he eventually asked Sadie, even though at the time, he had no idea where "there" actually was. All he knew was that he wanted to leave the crowd and go somewhere more quiet.

When he stepped back from Sadie and broke out of the hug, she began wiping her eyes furiously, and Colin couldn't really watch her, for some reason feeling like he was intruding on her.

So he turned his back and grabbed her wrist, pulling her along with him. He could hear her sob every now and then, the sound tugging uncomfortably at his gut, and every now and then he'd look over his shoulder as if to check if she was still with him.

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