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NEWHALL UNIVERSITY ISN'T exactly famous for its athletic program.

The women's judo team has consistently bagged gold medals for some time now, but other than that, they've only been gaining ground on chess and tennis, with hit or miss wins here and there. They haven't had the same luck in the sports people are often hyped about.

And so, when the men's basketball team bags an unexpected win after a twenty-year dry spell, the whole campus erupts.

"This is crazy," Drew had said to Colin. "Is this for real?"

The news was announced via intercom in the middle of class hours. There was silence at first as people tried to make out the words over the static. Those who didn't understand just paid it no mind, and those who did understand were convinced they'd heard wrong.

But then one person decided to check Twitter and confirmed the news for everyone: The men's basketball team had won a game.

Even Professor Nguyen, who was previously trying her best to get everyone's attention, had given it to the excitement. She clicked out of her slides to confirm the news for herself, and everyone watched as she skimmed over an article by the university paper. Then they spent the rest of the class watching a highlight reel of the game on the projector screen.

The atmosphere was contagious. Even Colin, who isn't a big fan of basketball, had ended up cheering for the team as they watched.

It's not really a season-changing game. They've incurred far too many losses for this win to make a dent and bump them up the season's rankings. For anyone else, it's really just one small win.

But for students of Newhall, it's everything.

It has literally been two decades--two whole decades--since the men's basketball team had won a game. For twenty years, the team had suffered loss after loss after loss, to the point that their record-breaking losing streak was almost too comical to be real.

News of the win quickly spreads. Not a lot of people were able to watch live because Newhall students rarely ever watch any of the games live. The stands would always be dominated by supporters of the opposing team.

It became so bad that the university came up with a PE class called cheerleading. Not cheerdancing, but cheerleading. The only requirement was for the students to memorize the chants and show up at games to fill up the stands.

"I don't know about you, Colin, but I am ready to party." Drew wraps an arm around Colin's shoulder as they exit the auditorium, waving goodbye to some of their classmates. "I'm going to get drunk tonight, my good friend. I am gonna get so drunk that--"

"Oh, boy."

"--you'll have to haul my--"

"Drew, please don't even--"

"--drunk ass all the way back to the apartment. It's gonna be fun!"

It is not gonna be fun.

But as the day drags on, it becomes clear that everyone is in really good spirits, and it's impossible not to get swept up with it. Colin had been on edge for the whole week. Between managing his classes and looking after Sadie, the stress has been immense.

It wouldn't hurt to loosen up and enjoy himself.

Partying on a Friday sounds exactly like the kind of distraction he needs. The day passes by quickly, and professors seem just as ecstatic as everyone over the unexpected win. One of them even spent the whole period reminiscing about his days as a Newhall student, when the men's basketball team actually dominated each season.

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