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COLIN IS DYING TO TELL someone—anyone.

Now that he understands the gravity of what she's going through, he can't help but feel bad for how he has thought of her in the past weeks. She must be ashamed, he realizes now, of letting people see how much college has changed her.

She practically begged him not to tell anyone.

But her secret lies heavy in his chest. How can he help her, if he can't let anyone know?

Neither of them say a word on the way back, and he's grateful. He walks ahead of her, but every now and then he'd check their reflection on the shop windows, just to make sure she hasn't fallen too far behind.

Perry and Drew are awake when they get back. A smile makes its way to her face as soon as their friends greet her good morning. He sees the shift more clearly now, the way she perks up around them, but the smile looks misplaced on her face.

The word has not been uttered between them back in the café, but it sneaks into his thoughts. He can't be too sure, but from what he's seen, heard, and known, he can't help but think it: Depression.

He leaves Perry and Drew to fuss over her and stays in his room instead. He pulls up a Google search and finds himself reading more and more about the topic, and with every article he reads, he becomes more and more convinced that Sadie might just be going through something bigger than he'd expected.

The realization leaves him feeling restless.

Sadie needs help—badly, and if he doesn't tell anyone, who's left to help but him?

"Did you wait long?"

Colin looks up from his phone and puts it away, straightening in his seat as Daniel takes the one in front of him. "I just got here, too."

Daniel has always had an easy air around him. He's a relatively likable guy and he's pretty reliable too. When news about him and Sadie dating first broke out, Colin's first thought was that the guy could do better.

Reaching out to him was not an easy decision, but it was the only one that made sense.

If there's anyone who knows College Sadie through and through, it would be Daniel. He can't remember how long they dated, but it had been long enough for it to feel like they've been going out forever.

They chose to meet in the Business Ad Building. It's a Sunday, so there aren't a lot of people around. Even on weekends, students are free to enter and do their schoolwork here. Dormers often do. The WiFi connection tends to be more inconsistent at the campus perimeter, where the dorms are located.

The study hall is empty save for the two of them, making the situation even more uncomfortable than it already is.

The study hall is empty save for the two of them, making the situation even more uncomfortable than it already is.

Colin isn't sure how to start the conversation. He has a feeling that Daniel knows exactly what this is going to be about anyway. Jumping right into it feels like the best course of action.

So he does.

"I have some questions," he says. "About Sadie."

Daniel nods, as if he'd seen this coming. "I had a feeling."

Colin takes a deep breath. For a moment, he doesn't say anything, but eventually, he manages to force the words out.

"Why did you guys break up?"

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