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a / n : 

happy holidays everyone! sorry this update came a bit late. i left my laptop charger at a relative's house and couldn't use it for a while. thank you so much for all the support! 

also, i was supposed to be writing stock chapters of this during my break but i stumbled across a kdrama and bye guys i'm off to live with fictional oppas

(jk i love u so i'll try to write)


t h r e e 

Colin has never had a girlfriend.

It has never really been a priority for him. Or a necessity, for that matter. Among the three of them, Perry was easily the most active when it came to pursuing girls. Drew didn't pursue girls so much as they naturally liked him, whether as a friend or more than.

In fact, Drew is probably closer to more girls than Perry is because remember how Colin compares him to a dog?

Yeah, girls like dogs. A lot.

Back home, his friend Dexter seems almost like a cross between Perry and Drew. Dexter was a big flirt and he was also well-liked by people. On the other hand, Henry, whom he also practically grew up with, was a hopeless romantic. Like Colin, Henry has also never had a girlfriend. But that's mostly because he's gay.

In any case, Colin doesn't know a lot about girls. What little he knew came from his proximity to Sadie and her friends. If it hadn't been for Dexter getting together with Hadley, Colin would probably never even talk to any of them.

Not because he doesn't like girls, either.

Relationships just seem like too much work. He isn't against them, really, nor is he against that whole falling in love thing. He's just not the kind of person who constantly thought about it.

He has dated before, yes, but he never really bothered to get past that first date. Most of his dates were forced on him anyway, usually by Henry (back in high school) and by Perry (now).

"Why won't you just admit it? Sadie's an ex-girlfriend. I just know it."

Colin lets out a groan.

"You give off this... vibe." Perry gives him a scrutinizing look, narrowing his eyes at him.

"Like, why do you always get stingy when it comes to her?"

"I don't."

"Yes, you are! See!" Perry points a condescending finger at Colin's face. "That! Right there."

Colin throws his pillow at him. "Can you please shut the fuck up? I'm studying."

It has been three days since the night they found Sadie in tears. The weekend passed with Perry constantly asking him about his relationship with her, even resorting to stalking Sadie on Facebook to look for clues.

Drew was also asking about her, but not for the same reason as Perry. He was asking Colin why Sadie was crying, and Colin, of course, replied with the truth. "I don't know."

His friend doesn't believe him, and every now and then he'd ask him about it. Colin knows it's out of genuine concern, though, and that Drew isn't just doing it to piss him off.

Needless to say, Colin hates Sadie even more now. The girl wasn't even anywhere in sight and yet she still found ways to annoy him, infiltrating his home, worming her way into conversations he'd really rather not have.

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