mAn!aC [ Katekyo Hitman Reborn! ]

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"Shishishi~" The blonde prince drawled his mocking laughter, choosing you to be his new victim to mess with. You ignored Bel, choosing to slash the dummy with your scythe. Normally, you would use a sword or dagger for killing, but the scythe was pretty appealing to you at the moment.

"Go away Bel." You grunted, slashing the dummies head clean off. The head fell onto the ground, making a loud thud. Smirking in satisfaction, you turned to face the 'Prince'. His simply graced you with his Cheshire Cat grin, scanning you with unseen eyes.

Despite no family connection with Xanxus, at all, you resembled him greatly. Medium length dark hair, which shined with a red tint. Your face held many scars, some fainter than the others. The more recent one left a gash on your left cheek, trailing down to your chin. Your eyes were a bloody amber color, something that stood out from Xanxus's copper red ones. You easily met him eye to eye, making maybe an inch shorter then the Prince Ripper.

"Shishishi~ it's time for dinner, Principessa." He drawled mockingly, hoping to get on your nerves. Asshole. Shooting him a glare, you faced away from him. Your Varia jacket was caped around your shoulders, fluttering slightly behind you as you marched towards where the Varia ate. Dear god that place was a place for memories.

The grinning blonde followed behind you, making small chat while you replied with grunts and short answers. Once you enter the grand dining room, a wine cup was thrown at your face at once. The bastard always did this, so you ducked and easily avoided it. You heard it shatter behind you. The others stopped chomping on their food for a moment to glance at you.

"VOOIII! WHAT THE HELL TOOK YOU SO LONG?!" A certain shark-man yelled out, flashing sharp teeth. You shook your head, amused by him and his tactics. "The Prince over here didn't tell me until now, Squalo."

Said man only 'Voi'-ed again, making another random complaint and you made your way towards your seat. Fran looked up with his normal blank expression. Once you sat down and started eating, he made a comment.

"You look pretty feminine today, [Name]."

Cue a butter knife at his stupid frog hat. Damn that thing to his ring. You scowled, raising another knife to throw at him.

"Excuse me?"

Even though the green-haired male was less than a year older then you, he was still a pain in the ass.

Just like everyone else in the Varia.

Except for Mama Luss of course.

Said male only cooed at you.

"Ah, [Name]-chan~ You do look cute today!"

You only shrugged indifferently, and only ate your food.

"Oi, Scum."

Copper Red met Bloody Amber.

"The Vongola has a request for you."


Tsunayoshi Sawada.

A powerful man, Decimo of the Vongola Famiglia. With spiky, wild russet locks, longer strands forming a small trail behind his back. Brown hair brushes into his bright orange eyes, burning with a intense gaze. Covering his body was a fine ivory suit, made of the finest materials, no doubt. Under the white suit jacket, was a dark dress shirt, with a matching fiery tie. His ankle length dress shoes slight clicked on the ground.

With a calm smile, though ill intention spoke behind it.

"[Name] [Surname]."

"Tsunayoshi Sawada."

His tone was reasonably happy, while yours was a stark contrast.

Bored. uninterested.

"So, [Name]-chan, I-"

"Just [Name], Sawada."

The gave an dulcet chuckling. Throughout his amusement, you spotted the undertone of darkness. Keeping an impassive facade, you simply stood your spot in the pristine floor. Shaking his head, he smiled.

"Ah, [Name], being with the Varia sure had the effect on you huh?"

"I could say the same for you."

The man smiled wider, almost disturbingly. Closing his eyes, he hummed a vague tone. Before once opening again those bright eyes of his. He tossed you a folder, which you caught easily. Skimming over the information, you made mental notes in your head.

Looking up, you met his gaze.

Blood to Fire.

"Well? I assume your taking the deal?" With a upwards quirk of his lips, you simply nodded. Walking out with the folder in hand, your Varia jacket fluttered behind. Symbolizing, you were VARIA. Not VONGOLA.

You closed the door behind you.

What you didn't notice was the disturbingly smirking Decimo, whose fiery eyes were darken with interest.

Tsunayoshi Sawada.

The man with a air of malice around him. With his charming and bright smile, he seem to have the innocence that can be compared with a child's. But you knew,

That man.

That particular man.

Was monster who had no problem with killing others for his own goal.

To watch others crumble and have their life destroyed, right with his own eyes.

To see them fall and die.

Tsuna Sawada was no longer alive in your eyes.


It was only Tsunayoshi Sawada.

Tsuna was dead.

A distance memory, burned into ashes, deep inside your closed off heart.


"Ah! [Name]-san!"

"Huh? Tsuna? Yamamoto?"

"Hahaha! Hey [Name]!"

"What bring you two here?"

"We just wanted to see how you were doing! Haha!"


"Really? That's nice of you two."

"H-hey.. Me and my family a-are having a picnic this weekend. M-maybe you could join us?"

"Sure Tsuna."


"Yay! [Name] is coming! This will be loads of fun! Hahaha!"



You felt weightless.

As if you were floating.

You tried to move your arms, but they felt constricted. Like there were chains around them.

All you see is grey.

Are you dead? You don't feel dead.



There are people talking. But as you strained to listen, they stared to fade away.

"... She's stared to fal...."

" Good.. then only another few.."

"Yes... but isn't this.."

"-arsh? Cruel? ..Yes this is. But it's an order from..... Himself."

Who? Himself? Who trapped you here?

But the last of it faded away. You suddenly remember the sound of a gunshot and the searing pain on your left shoulder.

Then it all turned black.

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