Bonus Chapter :: 'Mafia School' - Day 1

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Reborn, being Reborn, decided to make a your life even more worse. 

He basically forced the Varia and Vongola together into a building, split them up into different groups and force them to act like their in school. You were pretty agape at the baby hitman when he told the Varia this. The murderous glares were more then enough to get Reborn smirking. And no one could really refuse him. Reborn has his ways. 

Damn him. 

Of course, you were in the same class as the Varia, it had been a couple of years since you joined. You were 13 when you joined, and now you were 16. 

This was how the class work set up, first they split the groups into half by age, leaving you with Bel and Fran. Then they partner you up with someone of your own flame class. 

You and that certain man. 

And then the all the partners were set into two classes. 

"Herbivore." You not-so subtly scoot away from Hibari, who had a purple aura around him.

Apparently, the crowding was getting on his nerves. Then again, you'd be lying if it wasn't getting on yours either. 

Now, Bel and Gokudera were arguing over something, The silver-haired bomber was yelling death threats while Prince Ripper chuckled and gave him unreasonable reasons. 

"Ushishishi~ Only commoners do that."

"What did you say?!"

Fran was annoying Mukuro. Although the pineapple man was smiling, he had already stabbed Fran's stupid frog hat multiple times.

"Hey Master, that really hurts you know." 


Hibari anger didn't stop at all, since the mist user was also in the room. Once Hibird left his masters head for yours, he snapped. 

"Herbivore, I'm going to bite you to death." 

Well, seems like he hadn't forgotten the tie from the Cloud match. The 19 year old had out his tonfas out, while you were already walking away. The male growled and stood up.

So you did the only thing you could.

You threw a chair at him and ran. 

You would have stayed and fought, but Reborn hid your weapons and there was no way in hell you would fight him without any weapons. 

Sadly, he did have the same flames as you. So his speed matched yours. 



"Tsk. Scum."

Tsuna was curling up into a ball, crying, while Xanxus ignored him and drank wine. Somehow, he was able to sneak it in. 

Yamamoto was laughing as Squalo yelled at him, swing his sword around to add in to the threats. 


"Ma, ma. Let's just calm down, okay?"

Ryohei was yelling to the extreme while Lussuria was fixing his hair. Levi was watching Lambo eating 101 octopus balls. 

"Yay for Lambo-san!"

"How is a kid like you a guardian?"


"MA?! My hair is uneven!"

Tsuna gulp and tried to stop crying, wiping away his tears and sit up straight in his seat. The teachers had yet to show up, and Tsuna had a bad feeling in his gut. Suddenly the door was thrown open and flash of black and purple came out. It turned out to be you using your flames to run from Hibari. You walked behind the teachers desk and seemed to be looking for something.

"Um... [Name]-chan?"


"W-what are you doing-"

"Herbivore. There is no running in school."

Tsuna jumped at the sudden voice of Hibari. The 17 year old looked at the door way to see Hibari's slim gait. He looked ready for a fight, smirking and narrowed eyes-

Oh. So that's why you were running. Hibari wanted to fight you.

That made sense.

"Found it!"

Found what?

He turned back to you, seeing you found your staff.

Oh dear.

"Ready to fight, herbivore?"

Oh dear.

"Let's go, teme."

You two were going to fight, weren't you?

The demon of Namimori and the Varia Cloud assassin.


As the two cloud stared fighting, Tsuna was knocked out by a tiny foot to his face. 

"Tsk. Dame Tsuna."

Xanxus and the others stared at him before watching you and Hibari fight. 


"Haha, go [Name]! Go Hibari!"

"Boss, you alright?"


"Ah! This isn't good for my complexion!"

"Haha, Lambo-san can beat you both!"

And that ended day 1 of Mafia school. 

Squalo was forced to restrain you while Mukuro used some sakura flowers to make Hibari faint. 

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